☉ 11132901:孕妇心理抑郁焦虑及相关因素调查
☉ 11132902:中西医结合治疗复发性口疮的临床研究
☉ 11132903:中药益复康口服液提升白细胞作用的研究
☉ 11132904:武汉市黄陂区“母婴安全”项目工作运行情况分析
☉ 11132905:一起由大肠杆菌引起的水污染事件的调查处理
☉ 11132906:中西医结合治疗慢性阻塞性肺病急性加重期的临床观察
☉ 11132907:中西医结合治疗梅尼埃病30例
☉ 11132908:浅谈中医药治疗肾阳虚水泛证(肾炎)15例临床疗效观察
☉ 11132909:Time course of the osteoprotegerin gene expression
☉ 11132910:要以科学的态度开展成分血的临床应用
☉ 11132911:免疫复合型溶贫患者血清学特征和输血效果评价1例
☉ 11132912:Prevalence of overweight or obesity and obesity-re
☉ 11132913:A high incidence of obstructive sleep apnoea in se
☉ 11132914:Modification of endostatin with polyethylene glyco
☉ 11132915:Serum CD3+,CD4+,CD69+ lymphocytes in Graves' disea
☉ 11132916:Study on pharmacokinetics for TDDS of oxymatrine
☉ 11132917:Pharmacodynamical study on sinus lavage with tradi
☉ 11132918:Efficacy of three therapeutic methods for peritons
☉ 11132919:Laparoscopy-assisted colectomy for the treatment
☉ 11132920:Advances in cancer research:highlights from the 97
☉ 11132921:Venous sinus dilatation syndrome ? A case report
☉ 11132922:Venous sinus dilatation syndrome ? A case report
☉ 11132923:Age does not influence muscle fiber length adaptat
☉ 11132924:Activation of human quadriceps femoris during isom
☉ 11132925:A model of sleep-disordered breathing in the C57BL
☉ 11132926:Androgen-receptor defect abolishes sex differences
☉ 11132927:Airway response to deep inspiration: role of infla
☉ 11132928:Bronchoprotective and bronchodilatory effects of d
☉ 11132929:Bronchial edema alters 99mTc-DTPA clearance from t
☉ 11132930:Biomechanical response to acupuncture needling in
☉ 11132931:Differences between inhaled and intravenous bronch
☉ 11132932:Changes in microvascular fluid filtration capacity
☉ 11132933:Cervical spinal cord injury alters the pattern of
☉ 11132934:Effect of epinephrine on net lactate uptake by con
☉ 11132935:Effect of aging on fatigue characteristics of elbo
☉ 11132936:Dynamic cerebral autoregulation is preserved in ne
☉ 11132937:Electro-hydrodynamic atomization of drug solutions
☉ 11132938:Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiol
☉ 11132939:Effect of estrogen on flow-induced dilation in NO
☉ 11132940:Flowmetric comparison of respiratory inductance pl
☉ 11132941:Extravascular lung water in the exercising horse
☉ 11132942:Erythropoiesis in women during 11 days at 4,300 m
☉ 11132943:Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiol
☉ 11132944:Gender differences in autonomic cardiovascular reg
☉ 11132945:From Belfast to Mayo and beyond: the use and futur
☉ 11132946:Increasing activity of H2-metabolizing microbes lo
☉ 11132947:Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiol
☉ 11132948:Gender influences coronary L-type Ca2+ current and
☉ 11132949:Inspired CO2 and O2 in sleeping infants rebreathin
☉ 11132950:Inhibitory effects of voluntary wheel exercise on

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