☉ 11132951:Influence of isometric exercise on blood flow and
☉ 11132952:Long-term facilitation in obstructive sleep apnea
☉ 11132953:Left ventricular wave speed
☉ 11132954:Integrated analysis of protein and glucose metabol
☉ 11132955:Myosin cross bridges in skeletal muscles: "rower"
☉ 11132956:Multiple mechanisms of reflex bronchospasm in guin
☉ 11132957:Methacholine versus histamine: paradoxical respons
☉ 11132958:Reduced submaximal leg blood flow after high-inten
☉ 11132959:Overexpression of TGF- increases lung tissue hyste
☉ 11132960:NO inhalation reduces pulmonary arterial pressure
☉ 11132961:Serotonin elicits long-lasting enhancement of rhyt
☉ 11132962:Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiol
☉ 11132963:Regulation of the nitric oxide synthase-nitric oxi
☉ 11132964:Skeletal muscle intracellular PO2 assessed by myog
☉ 11132965:Sex differences in the fatigability of arm muscles
☉ 11132966:Serotonin2 receptors mediate respiratory recovery
☉ 11132967:Time course of myocardial sodium accumulation afte
☉ 11132968:Testosterone-induced relaxation of rat aorta is an
☉ 11132969:Supine position decreases the ability of the nose
☉ 11132970:Activity and Mechanism of Action of N-Methanocarba
☉ 11132971:Vascular adaptation to microgravity: what have we
☉ 11132972:Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiol
☉ 11132973:Antimalarial Activity of a Synthetic Endoperoxide
☉ 11132974:Adding Selectivity to Antimicrobial Peptides: Rati
☉ 11132975:Activity of Cecropin A-Melittin Hybrid Peptides ag
☉ 11132976:Autolytic Properties of Glycopeptide-Intermediate
☉ 11132977:Assessment of the Paradoxical Effect of Caspofungi
☉ 11132978:Antitrypanosomal and Antileishmanial Activities of
☉ 11132979:Candida glabrata PDR1, a Transcriptional Regulator
☉ 11132980:Binding of Neomycin-Class Aminoglycoside Antibioti
☉ 11132981:Bac 32, a Novel Bacteriocin Widely Disseminated am
☉ 11132982:Comparing Gatifloxacin and Clarithromycin in Pneum
☉ 11132983:Comparative Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic T
☉ 11132984:Clinical and Economic Impact of Bacteremia with Ex
☉ 11132985:Distribution of Florfenicol Resistance Genes fexA
☉ 11132986:Determinants of Rifampin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide,
☉ 11132987:Contribution of rpoB2 RNA Polymerase ? Subunit Gen
☉ 11132988:Ether Lipid Ester Derivatives of Cidofovir Inhibit
☉ 11132989:Efficacy of Hospital Germicides against Adenovirus
☉ 11132990:Effect of Farnesol on Staphylococcus aureus Biofil
☉ 11132991:Gatifloxacin Resistance and Mutations in gyrA afte
☉ 11132992:Garenoxacin Treatment of Experimental Endocarditis
☉ 11132993:Evaluation of Amphotericin B Interpretive Breakpoi
☉ 11132994:Gentamicin Causes Apoptosis at Low Concentrations
☉ 11132995:Genetic Structures at the Origin of Acquisition an
☉ 11132996:Genetic Basis of Tetracycline and Minocycline Resi
☉ 11132997:Impact of Enterococcus faecalis on the Bactericida
☉ 11132998:Immunotherapy with Tacrolimus (FK506) Does Not Sel
☉ 11132999:Good Clinical Outcomes but High Rates of Adverse R
☉ 11133000:In Vitro Analysis of ISEcp1B-Mediated Mobilization
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