☉ 11167551:ARFGAP1 plays a central role in coupling COPI carg
☉ 11167552:A multistep, GTP-driven mechanism controlling the
☉ 11167553:A role for myosin VI in postsynaptic structure and
☉ 11167554:Effects of Arp2 and Arp3 nucleotide-binding pocket
☉ 11167555:The offloading model for dynein function : differe
☉ 11167556:Muscle expression of a local Igf-1 isoform protect
☉ 11167557:Cell growth–dependent coordination of lipid signal
☉ 11167558:Nuclear transport of single molecules : dwell time
☉ 11167559:Ect2 and MgcRacGAP regulate the activation and fun
☉ 11167560:Spindle-independent condensation-mediated segregat
☉ 11167561:Folliculo-Stellate (FS) Cells of the Anterior Pitu
☉ 11167562:Tales beyond the Crypt: Glucagon-Like Peptide-2 an
☉ 11167563:Actin-myosin–based contraction is responsible for
☉ 11167564:Estrogen Activates Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinas
☉ 11167565:A System for Studying Epithelial-Stromal Interacti
☉ 11167566:Mineralocorticoid Receptors and Hormones: Fishing
☉ 11167567:Male Marmoset Monkeys Express an Adrenal Fetal Zon
☉ 11167568:Molecular Cloning and Developmental Expression of
☉ 11167569:Activation of EndothelinA Receptors in Frog Adreno
☉ 11167570:Transformation of Skeletal Muscle from Fast- to Sl
☉ 11167571:Adenovirus-Mediated High Expression of Resistin Ca
☉ 11167572:Role of Neuronal Energy Status in the Regulation o
☉ 11167573:Stimulation of Catecholamine Synthesis by Environm
☉ 11167574:11-Deoxycorticosterone Is a Potent Agonist of the
☉ 11167575:C75 Alters Central and Peripheral Gene Expression
☉ 11167576:Expression of the Ghrelin Axis in the Mouse: An Ex
☉ 11167577:Synthesis and Secretion of Angiotensin II by the P
☉ 11167578:Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Functions as a
☉ 11167579:Enhanced Recovery from Thrombocytopenia and Neutro
☉ 11167580:Transgenic Mice Overexpressing Des-Acyl Ghrelin Sh
☉ 11167581:The 15-Amino Acid Motif of the C Terminus of the ?
☉ 11167582:Intestinal Lipoprotein Overproduction, a Newly Rec
☉ 11167583:Glucagon-Like Peptide 2 Dose-Dependently Activates
☉ 11167584:Differential Regulation of Leptin Synthesis in Rat
☉ 11167585:Pdx-1 Is Not Sufficient for Repression of Progluca
☉ 11167586:Cell-Specific Expression of Glucose-Dependent-Insu
☉ 11167587:Pancreatic Islet Adaptation to Fasting Is Dependen
☉ 11167588:酒后静点头孢曲松钠诱发脑梗死1例
☉ 11167589:Epidermal Growth Factor Facilitates Epinephrine In
☉ 11167590:Spatial Reorganization of Glycogen Synthase upon A
☉ 11167591:肾病综合征并发血栓形成2例
☉ 11167592:头孢哌酮致过敏性休克1例
☉ 11167593:误诊为肺部感染的无痛性急性心肌梗死1例
☉ 11167594:酒精性肝硬化合并精神障碍治愈1例
☉ 11167595:剖宫产术后子宫下段切口损伤性动脉瘤2例
☉ 11167596:起搏器安置术中电机械分离1例
☉ 11167597:低钾性麻痹为首发症状的垂体卒中
☉ 11167598:甲状腺囊性畸胎瘤1例
☉ 11167599:Sturge-Weber 综合征2例
☉ 11167600:奥美拉唑致溢乳1例
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