☉ 11332401:Neoadjuvant Treatment of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer With Anastrozole, Tamoxifen, or Both in Combination: The Immediate Preoperative Anastr
☉ 11332402:Immunization With Mutant p53- and K-ras–Derived Peptides in Cancer Patients: Immune Response and Clinical Outcome
☉ 11332403:Evaluation of Randomized Discontinuation Design
☉ 11332404:Serum Proteomic Fingerprinting Discriminates Between Clinical Stages and Predicts Disease Progression in Melanoma Patients
☉ 11332405:Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem-Cell Compared With Bone Marrow Transplantation in the Management of Hematologic Malignancies: An Individual
☉ 11332406:Regression of Ocular Adnexal Lymphoma After Chlamydia Psittaci–Eradicating Antibiotic Therapy
☉ 11332407:Prognostic Value of Translocation t(11;18) in Tumoral Response of Low-Grade Gastric Lymphoma of Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Type to Or
☉ 11332408:Hodgkin's Lymphoma in Elderly Patients: A Comprehensive Retrospective Analysis From the German Hodgkin's Study Group
☉ 11332409:Combination Antibody Therapy With Epratuzumab and Rituximab in Relapsed or Refractory Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
☉ 11332410:Report of an International Workshop to Standardize Baseline Evaluation and Response Criteria for Primary CNS Lymphoma
☉ 11332411:Introduction of Combined CHOP Plus Rituximab Therapy Dramatically Improved Outcome of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma in British Columbia
☉ 11332412:Improved Survival of Follicular Lymphoma Patients in the United States
☉ 11332413:Increased HER2 Gene Copy Number Is Associated With Response to Gefitinib Therapy in Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor–Positive Non–Small-Cell
☉ 11332414:Meta-Analysis of Postoperative Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Tegafur-Uracil in Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer
☉ 11332415:Study of Paclitaxel, Etoposide, and Cisplatin Chemotherapy Combined With Twice-Daily Thoracic Radiotherapy for Patients With Limited-Stage S
☉ 11332416:Blood Pressure and Body Mass Index in Long-Term Survivors of Testicular Cancer
☉ 11332417:Identifying Patients at Risk for Significant Versus Clinically Insignificant Postoperative Prostate-Specific Antigen Failure
☉ 11332418:Adjuvant Cisplatin Plus Methotrexate Versus Methotrexate, Vinblastine, Epirubicin, and Cisplatin in Locally Advanced Bladder Cancer: Results
☉ 11332419:Use of the Internet to Obtain Cancer Information Among Cancer Patients at an Urban County Hospital
☉ 11332420:Persistence of Restrictions in Quality of Life From the First to the Third Year After Diagnosis in Women With Breast Cancer
☉ 11332421:Variability and Sample Size Requirements of Quality-of-Life Measures: A Randomized Study of Three Major Questionnaires
☉ 11332422:Predictive Value of Bone Resorption and Formation Markers in Cancer Patients With Bone Metastases Receiving the Bisphosphonate Zoledronic Ac
☉ 11332423:Effect of Individual Psychological Intervention in Chinese Women With Gynecologic Malignancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
☉ 11332424:Distal cT2N0 Rectal Cancer: Is There an Alternative to Abdominoperineal Resection?
☉ 11332425:Phase II/III Study of Doxorubicin With Fluorouracil Compared With Streptozocin With Fluorouracil or Dacarbazine in the Treatment of Advanced
☉ 11332426:Phase I Trial of Systemic Oxaliplatin Combination Chemotherapy With Hepatic Arterial Infusion in Patients With Unresectable Liver Metastases
☉ 11332427:Hepatic Arterial Oxaliplatin Infusion Plus Intravenous Chemotherapy in Colorectal Cancer With Inoperable Hepatic Metastases: A Trial of the
☉ 11332428:Improved Hepatic Toxicity Profile of Portal Vein Adjuvant Hepatic Infusional Chemotherapy
☉ 11332429:Phase III Randomized Trial of FOLFIRI Versus FOLFOX4 in the Treatment of Advanced Colorectal Cancer: A Multicenter Study of the Gruppo Oncol
☉ 11332430:Phase III Study of Weekly High-Dose Infusional Fluorouracil Plus Folinic Acid With or Without Irinotecan in Patients With Metastatic Colorec
☉ 11332431:老年急腹症100例的临床疗效
☉ 11332432:兔曲霉菌性角膜炎动物模型建立及角膜共焦显微镜检查
☉ 11332433:先天性静止性夜盲模式大鼠基础生理值的测定
☉ 11332434:人体标本陈列室的环境建设与管理
☉ 11332435:使用丁基胶塞的体会
☉ 11332436:小儿合理用药指导的护理体会
☉ 11332437:PCA泵在妇产科手术患者中的应用与护理
☉ 11332438:支气管镜检查与治疗护理
☉ 11332439:急性心肌梗死的临床护理体会
☉ 11332440:电子喉镜下声带息肉摘除术的护理
☉ 11332441:浅谈对急诊患者的健康教育
☉ 11332442:急诊患者动脉血气分析的采集方法与体会
☉ 11332443:住院精神病患者拒药原因的分析与护理
☉ 11332444:综合门诊患者的心理反应及对策
☉ 11332445:内镜下十二指肠乳头括约肌切开胆总管取石术的护理
☉ 11332446:微创经皮肾镜下钬激光治疗泌尿系结石的护理
☉ 11332447:头孢曲松针剂致过敏性休克1例
☉ 11332448:马蜂蜂蛹中毒引起抽搐1例
☉ 11332449:口服复方新诺明致过敏性休克1例
☉ 11332450:耳真菌病误诊为外耳道炎1例

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