☉ 11326751:玉溪市私立医院传染病规范管理现状调查
☉ 11326752:Signs and symptoms of urethritis and cervicitis among women with or without Mycoplasma genitalium or Chlamydia trachomatis infection
☉ 11326753:邹城市控制白喉效果
☉ 11326754:医务人员血源性病原体职业暴露风险与防护对策
☉ 11326755:一起进食木薯引发家庭成员中毒的调查
☉ 11326756:血液透析患者病毒性肝炎感染状况调查
☉ 11326757:深圳市宝安区传染病防制专业人员情况调查
☉ 11326758:社区不同人群食品安全意识现状调查
☉ 11326759:汕头市潮阳区6岁儿童龋病情况调查
☉ 11326760:三家医院门诊外科处方用药分析
☉ 11326761:某高校大学生HBV标志物与ALT检测结果
☉ 11326762:两种百白破混合制剂接种不良反应观察分析
☉ 11326763:荆门市某镇4697名中小学生皮肤病调查
☉ 11326764:健康体检计算机管理系统的开发与应用
☉ 11326765:健康促进策略在邹城市防制“非典”中的作用
☉ 11326766:Mycoplasma genitalium: an organism commonly associated with cervicitis among west African sex workers
☉ 11326767:海南省一起手足口病暴发的调查
☉ 11326768:海南省节日食品卫生状况及监督管理对策
☉ 11326769:Social support and sexually transmitted disease related healthcare utilisation in sexually experienced African-American adolescents
☉ 11326770:海南省2000~2004年疾病监测点居民死因分析
☉ 11326771:海南农村村民对各级政府应对突发公共卫生事件能力期望调查
☉ 11326772:Triage up front
☉ 11326773:海南农村村民对各级政府落实防控非典措施评价
☉ 11326774:广州市花都区生活饮用水水质卫生状况分析
☉ 11326775:高校应对突发公共卫生事件能力的探讨
☉ 11326776:丹东市核子秤防护改造的监测与评价
☉ 11326777:穿琥宁注射液与13种药物配伍的稳定性观察
☉ 11326778:8209例高危人群HIV检测结果
☉ 11326779:针刺治疗顽固性失眠症的效果分析
☉ 11326780:Screening injecting drug users for sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruses using street outreach and self collected sampling
☉ 11326781:A rapid assessment of community-wide HIV/STI intervention in China
☉ 11326782:Why should we care about palliative care for AIDS in the era of antiretroviral therapy?
☉ 11326783:The interrelation of demographic and geospatial risk factors between four common sexually transmitted diseases
☉ 11326784:Filicide-Suicide: Common Factors in Parents Who Kill Their Children and Themselves
☉ 11326785:Violent Fantasy, Dangerousness, and the Duty to Warn and Protect
☉ 11326786:Commentary: Two Sides to Every Story—the Need for Objectivity and Evidence
☉ 11326787:Boundaries, Blackmail, and Double Binds: A Pattern Observed in Malpractice Consultation
☉ 11326788:E-mail and the Psychiatrist-Patient Relationship
☉ 11326789:Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in HIV-Positive Incarcerated Women
☉ 11326790:The Influence of Psychosocial Maturity on Male Juvenile Offenders' Comprehension and Understanding of the Miranda Warning
☉ 11326791:National Catastrophes and Striving for Objectivity
☉ 11326792:Roper v. Simmons: Can Juvenile Offenders be Executed?
☉ 11326793:Telepsychiatry: Critical Dimensions for Forensic Services
☉ 11326794:Admissibility of False-Confession Testimony: Know Thy Standard
☉ 11326795:The Shift of Psychiatric Inpatient Care From Hospitals to Jails and Prisons
☉ 11326796:Sexually Violent Predators: The Risky Enterprise of Risk Assessment
☉ 11326797:Commentary: Expert Testimony as a Potential Asset in Defense of Capital Sentencing Cases
☉ 11326798:Expert Testimony in Capital Sentencing: Juror Responses
☉ 11326799:Commentary: Toward a Psychodynamic Understanding of Filicide—Beyond Psychosis and Into the Heart of Darkness
☉ 11326800:"The Wrong Handle": Flawed Fixes of Medicolegal Problems in Psychiatry and the Law
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