☉ 11386301:Presenting lipid antigens
☉ 11386302:Marks of death on nuclei
☉ 11386303:产科DIC 20例临床分析
☉ 11386304:Roll-your-own endothelial tubes
☉ 11386305:超声引导下穿刺治疗盆腔囊性包块的临床价值
☉ 11386306:A portrait of the nuclear pore complex
☉ 11386307:Tagging an organelle
☉ 11386308:丁卡因在人流负压吸引术中应用300例的体会
☉ 11386309:Roll-your-own endothelial tubes
☉ 11386310:A portrait of the nuclear pore complex
☉ 11386311:光固化松风氟化玻璃离子夹层技术修复前牙中重度缺损的临床应用观察
☉ 11386312:Tagging an organelle
☉ 11386313:急性结核性心包炎29例临床分析
☉ 11386314:简易空气灌肠复位装置在小儿肠套叠中的应用
☉ 11386315:结核性气胸32例临床分析
☉ 11386316:结核性胸膜炎胸内注射尿激酶治疗临床分析
☉ 11386317:卡托普利联合吲达帕胺治疗高血压病疗效观察
☉ 11386318:利尿钠因子在重症颅脑损伤后低钠血症中的作用
☉ 11386319:两种IUD用于人工流产术后即时放置的临床效果比较
☉ 11386320:氯胺酮联合芬太尼、丙泊酚、万可松用于剖宫产术9例体会
☉ 11386321:迈可达治疗脑供血不足疗效观察
☉ 11386322:扑尔敏辅助治疗慢性咳嗽56例疗效观察
☉ 11386323:三叉神经带状疱疹的治疗体会
☉ 11386324:思密达治疗口腔炎及口腔溃疡疗效观察
☉ 11386325:Mechanisms for focusing mitotic spindle poles by minus end–directed mo
☉ 11386326:Regulation of meiotic prophase arrest in mouse oocytes by GPR3, a cons
☉ 11386327:A complex containing the Sm protein CAR-1 and the RNA helicase CGH-1 i
☉ 11386328:Termination of cAMP signals by Ca2+ and Gi via extracellular Ca2+ sens
☉ 11386329:Large-scale translocation reversal within the thylakoid Tat system in
☉ 11386330:Merlin/NF-2 mediates contact inhibition of growth by suppressing recru
☉ 11386331:Spatial and temporal regulation of cofilin activity by LIM kinase and
☉ 11386332:Correction
☉ 11386333:早期康复训练对脑外伤患者功能恢复的影响
☉ 11386334:Mitogen-inducible gene 6 is an endogenous inhibitor of HGF/Met-induced
☉ 11386335:The mechanisms and dynamics of v?3 integrin clustering in living cells
☉ 11386336:子宫内膜异位症的药物治疗
☉ 11386337:Recombination protein Tid1p controls resolution of cohesin-dependent l
☉ 11386338:Cell surface counter receptors are essential components of the unconve
☉ 11386339:子宫收缩乏力性产后出血的处理
☉ 11386340:Retinal ganglion cell degeneration is topological but not cell type sp
☉ 11386341:Activation of GSK-3 and phosphorylation of CRMP2 in transgenic mice ex
☉ 11386342:Large-scale translocation reversal within the thylakoid Tat system in
☉ 11386343:单人快速插入胃镜方法体会
☉ 11386344:立止血和垂体后叶素联合治疗肺结核大咯血临床体会
☉ 11386345:持续冲洗法治疗胃食管吻合口瘘(附2例报告)
☉ 11386346:颈部外伤致气管横断撕裂1例麻醉体会
☉ 11386347:一次性浅静脉留置针在静脉化疗中的应用和护理
☉ 11386348:潜在的医院感染源——输液瓶网套
☉ 11386349:产褥感染的临床护理
☉ 11386350:肺结核病患者的心理护理
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