闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞栭锔藉亱闊洦绋戠粣妤呭箹濞n剙濡奸柛銊ュ€块弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏�: 闂備浇顕уù鐑藉极婵犳艾纾诲┑鐘叉搐缁愭鏌¢崶鈺佹灁闁崇懓绉撮埞鎴︽偐閸欏鎮欏┑鈽嗗亝閿曘垽寮诲☉銏犖ㄩ柕蹇婂墲閻濇牠鎮峰⿰鍐ㄧ盎闁瑰嚖鎷� 闂傚倸鍊风欢姘缚閼姐倖瀚婚柣鏃傚帶缁€澶愬箹濞n剙濡奸柛姘秺楠炴牕菐椤掆偓閻忣噣鏌嶇紒妯荤闁哄被鍔戝顒勫垂椤旇瀵栨繝鐢靛仧閵嗗骞忛敓锟� 闂傚倷娴囧畷鍨叏瀹ュ绀冩い顓熷灣閻ヮ亪姊绘担鍛婃儓妞ゆ垵鍊垮畷婊冣攽閸垻鐓撴繝銏f硾婢跺洭宕戦幘缁樻櫜閹肩补鈧磭顔戠紓鍌欐缁躲倝骞忛敓锟� 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鑸电仚濡炪倖鍨甸崯鏉戠暦閺囥垺鐒肩€广儱鎳愰悾娲倵楠炲灝鍔氭い锔诲灣閻ヮ亣顦归柡灞剧〒娴狅箓鎮欓鍌涱吇缂傚倷鑳舵刊鎾箯閿燂拷 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍫曘€佹繝鍕濞村吋娼欑壕鍧楁⒑椤掆偓缁夋挳宕归崒鐐寸厸闁告劑鍔庢晶娑㈡煟閹烘洦鍤欐い顓℃硶閹瑰嫰鎼归崷顓濈礃婵犵绱曢崕鎴﹀箯閿燂拷 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍓佹兜閸洖鐤鹃柣鎰ゴ閺嬪秹鏌ㄥ┑鍡╂Ф闁逞屽厸缁舵艾鐣烽妸鈺佺骇闁瑰濯Σ娲⒑閼姐倕孝婵炲眰鍊曡灒濠电姴娲ょ粈澶愭煥閻曞倹瀚� 濠电姷鏁搁崑鐐哄垂閸洖绠伴悹鍥у斀缂傛碍绻涢崱妯虹伇濠殿喗濞婇弻鏇熷緞閸℃ɑ鐝旂紓浣插亾鐎光偓閸曨剙浠梺鎼炲劀閸曘劍鐏嗛梻浣告啞濡垿骞忛敓锟� 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥磻閹扮増鍋ら柡鍐ㄧ墕閸ㄥ倸霉閸忓吋鍎楅柡浣告閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 闂傚倷娴囬褏鈧稈鏅犲畷妯荤節濮橆厸鎸冮梺鍛婃处閸撴岸宕h箛娑欑叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷 濠电姷鏁搁崑鐐哄垂閸洖绠归柍鍝勬噹閸屻劑鏌i幘宕囩槏闁荤喐瀚堥弮鍫濆窛妞ゆ挾濯Σ娲⒑閼姐倕孝婵炲眰鍊曡灒濠电姴娲ょ粈澶愭煥閻曞倹瀚� 闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞夐敓鐘偓鍐疀濞戞ḿ锛涢梺绯曞墲缁嬫垿寮告笟鈧弻鐔煎箲閹伴潧娈紓浣哄У閸ㄥ潡寮婚敓鐘茬妞ゆ劧绲块々浼存⒑閸濄儱娅愰柟鍑ゆ嫹
濠电姷鏁搁崕鎴犲緤閽樺娲晜閻愵剙搴婇梺绋挎湰缁嬫捇銆呴悜鑺ョ叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷: 闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞栭锕€纾归柣鎴f绾偓闂佸憡鍔曞Ο濠傘€掓繝姘叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷 闂傚倷娴囧畷鍨叏閺夋嚚娲Χ閸ワ絽浜炬慨妯煎帶閻忥附銇勯姀锛勬噰闁轰焦鎹囬弫鎾绘晸閿燂拷 闂傚倷娴囧畷鐢稿窗閹扮増鍋¢柕澶堝剻濞戞ǚ妲堥柕蹇曞Х閿涙盯姊虹捄銊ユ珢闁瑰嚖鎷� 闂傚倷鐒﹂惇褰掑春閸曨垰鍨傞梺顒€绉甸崑銈夋煛閸ャ儱鐏柛搴★躬閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 闂傚倸鍊烽悞锕傛儑瑜版帒纾归柡鍥╁枑濞呯娀鏌﹀Ο渚▓婵炲吋鐗犻弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倸鍊烽悞锕傛儑瑜版帒纾块柛妤冧紳濞差亜惟闁挎棁妫勫鍧楁⒑鐠恒劌娅愰柟鍑ゆ嫹 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鑸电仚缂備胶绮〃鍛存偩閻戣姤鍋ㄧ紒瀣閻庮剟姊虹捄銊ユ珢闁瑰嚖鎷� 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍫曞磿閻㈢ǹ纾婚柟鎹愵嚙缁€澶愮叓閸ャ劍灏甸柡鍡愬€濋弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍫曘€佹繝鍕濞村吋娼欑壕瑙勪繆閵堝懏鍣圭紒鐘崇墵閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥敋閺嶎厼绀傛繛鍡樻尭绾惧潡鏌$仦璇插姎闁汇倝绠栭弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鑸电仚濡炪倖鍨甸崯鏉戠暦閺囥垹绠绘い鏃傜摂濡懘姊虹捄銊ユ珢闁瑰嚖鎷� 缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹缁嬫5娲Χ閸♀晜顔旈梺褰掓?缁讹繝寮繝鍥ㄧ叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷 濠电姷鏁搁崑鐐哄垂閸洖绠伴柛顐f礀绾惧綊鏌″搴″箹闁绘帒鐏氶妵鍕箳閹搭垱鏁鹃柣搴㈢啲閹凤拷 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍫曞储瑜嶉锝夊箚閼割兛姹楅梺鍛婂姦閸犳牜绮堟径鎰叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷 闂傚倸鍊烽悞锕€顪冮崹顕呯唵濞撴埃鍋撴鐐茬箻閺佹捇鏁撻敓锟� 濠电姷鏁告繛鈧繛浣冲洤纾诲┑鐘叉搐缁狀垶鏌ㄩ悤鍌涘 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍫曞储瑜庨幆鏂库堪閸繄顔嗛梺璺ㄥ櫐閹凤拷 闂傚倷娴囬褏鎹㈤幇顓ф闊洦绋戠粻顖炴煥閻曞倹瀚� 闂傚倸鍊烽悞锕傚箖閸洖纾块柤纰卞墰閻瑩鏌熸潏鎯х槣闁轰礁妫濋弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倷娴囧畷鍨叏閺夋嚚娲煛娴g儤娈鹃梺鍓茬厛閸嬪懎鈻嶉悩缁樼叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷 闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞栭鈷氭椽鏁冮埀顒€鐜婚崹顔规瀻闁规儳绉村ú顓㈠极閹剧粯鏅搁柨鐕傛嫹
濠电姷鏁搁崑鐐哄垂閸洖绠归柍鍝勬噹閸屻劑鏌ゅù瀣珒闁绘帒锕弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏�: 闂傚倷鐒﹂惇褰掑春閸曨垰鍨傞梺顒€绉甸崑銈夋煛閸ャ儱鐏柛搴★躬閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥ь浖閵娾晜鍊块柨鏇炲€归崑锟犳煥閺囨浜剧€光偓閿濆懏鍋ラ柡浣规崌閺佹捇鏁撻敓锟� 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥敋閺嶎厼绀堟慨妯块哺瀹曟煡鏌涢埄鍐槈闁绘帒鐏氶妵鍕箳閹搭垱鏁鹃柣搴㈢啲閹凤拷 濠电姷鏁搁崑鐐哄垂閸洖绠归柍鍝勬噹閻鏌嶈閸撴盯鍩€椤掑喚娼愰柟纰卞亰楠炲繘鏁撻敓锟� 闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞夐敓鐘冲亱闁绘劘灏欓弳锕傛煟閵忊懚鍦不閺嶎厽鐓ラ柣鏇炲€圭€氾拷 濠电姷鏁搁崑鐐哄垂閸洖绠伴悹鍥у斀缂傛碍绻涢崱妯虹伇濠殿喗濞婇弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐宄懊归崶顬盯宕熼娑樹罕闂佸湱鍋撳鍧楀极娓氣偓閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 婵犵數濮甸鏍窗濡ゅ嫭鎳岄梻浣规偠閸斿繐鈻斿☉婊呬罕闂備浇娉曢崳锕傚箯閿燂拷 闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞栭锕€纾圭紒瀣紩濞差亜围闁搞儻绲芥禍鍓х棯閺夋妲归悗姘炬嫹 闂傚倸鍊烽悞锕傚垂濠靛鍊块柨鏇炲€告闂佺粯鍔楅弫鍝ョ矆婵犲洦鐓ラ柣鏇炲€圭€氾拷 濠电姴鐥夐弶搴撳亾濡や焦鍙忛柟缁㈠枛鐎氬銇勯幒鎴濐仼闁藉啰鍠栭弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倸鍊烽悞锕傚箖閸洖纾块柟缁樺笧閺嗭附淇婇娆掝劅婵炲皷鏅犻弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 濠电姷顣槐鏇㈠磻濞戙埄鏁勯柛銉墮缁愭鏌熼幑鎰靛殭闁告垹濞€閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥磻閹扮増鍋ら柡鍐ㄧ墕閸ㄥ倿鏌ц箛锝呬簼婵炲懐濞€閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥磻閹扮増鍋ら柡鍐ㄧ墕閸ㄥ倹銇勯弽銊х煂缂佺姵妫冮弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥磻閹扮増鍋ら柡鍐ㄧ墕閸ㄥ倿鏌熷▓鍨灓闁告宀搁弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞栭锕€纾归悷娆忓閸ㄦ棃鏌﹀Ο渚Ш闁哄棎鍊濋弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍫曞箠閹捐瑙﹂悗锝庡墮閸ㄦ繈骞栧ǎ顒€濡肩痪鎯с偢閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€宕ョ€n€綁骞掗幘鍙樼矒闂佸綊妫跨粈渚€宕欓悩缁樼叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷
当前位置: 首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 基础医学 > 病菌学杂志 > 2005年 > 第17期 > 正文
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Mutations during the

     Blood Systems Research Institute, San Francisco, California 94118

    Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, California 94118

    Department of Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143

    Grifols Biologicals, Los Angeles, California 90032


    The full protein coding region of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) genomes were sequenced using plasma collected from nine African-Americans prior to seroconversion and 7 to 28 days later. HIV mutations emerged in seven of these subjects at a genomewide rate of 2% per year. The location of nonsynonymous (NS) HIV mutations within these subjects was compared to their potential HLA-A and B types restricted CTL epitopes reported in the Los Alamos National Laboratory HIV immunology database. A statistically significant (P < 0.005) number of the early NS mutations (13.5%) were found within previously reported CTL epitopes. A virus sequencing and reported CTL epitopes database analysis therefore support a model where a significant proportion of very early nonsynonymous HIV mutations are selected by CTL.


    Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) play an important role in controlling viremia during primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (6, 29). CTL recognize viral peptides presented in a complex with HLA class I molecules at the surface of infected cells, inducing T-cell activation and clonal expansions followed by lysis of infected target cells (37, 40). The resulting selection pressure on the replicating virus can lead to the emergence of CTL escape variants (7, 9, 18-20, 22, 25, 26, 36). CTL targeted epitopes have been reported in every HIV protein in the Los Alamos Database (28). The breadth of HIV-1-specific CTL response increases during chronic versus primary infection (4, 8, 13, 19). CTL responses appear to favor epitopes within regulatory and accessory proteins during primary infection, whereas later responses appear to preferentially recognize structural proteins (1, 8, 9).

    CTL escape has been powerfully illustrated by the identification of an immunodominant Mamu-A01-restricted Tat-specific CTL response rapidly selecting for viral escape variants during acute simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection (3, 32). In the SIV model system, peptide reagents of the infecting SIV strain have allowed all CTL epitopes restricted by various HLA class I allele to be identified. As many as 64% of NS mutations selected over the entire course of SIV infection outside of the envelope gene have been located with known CTL epitopes (33). In HIV-1-infected subjects, viral mutations preventing CTL recognition were described in immunodominant epitopes and were correlated with a steady rise in viral load and disease progression (18, 25).

    On a population basis, Moore et al. compared HIV protease and reverse transcriptase sequences of chronically infected patients to their presumably ancestral subtype consensus sequence and showed that consensus deviating sequences were overrepresented in known HLA-restricted CTL epitopes (31). When phylogenetically closely related but epidemiologically unlinked HIV genomes were analyzed positive selection in potential CTL target sites was also detected (35). Particular HLA types have also been associated with susceptibility or resistance to HIV infection (14, 30, 38) as well as with slow or rapid disease progression (10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 39).

    To directly identify HIV sequence changes and characterize HIV-1 regions undergoing possible selection very early following infection, we sequenced plasma HIV genomes of nine African-American plasma donors at two time points (Fig. 1). Subjects reported no symptoms of acute infection at the time of plasma collection and were not febrile. The initial donations were p24 antigen negative, anti-HIV-1 antibody negative, and HIV-1 RNA negative (using the National Genetics Institute UltraQual HIV-1 reverse transcription-PCR assay with a detection limit of five HIV-1 genome copies/ml) except for subjects 1057 and PRB959, who had an initial plasma viremia of 3.9 x 104 and 2 x 105 HIV-1 RNA copies/ml, respectively (Fig. 1). Longitudinally collected plasma samples were then quantified with the NGI SuperQuant HIV-1 reverse transcription-PCR assay. Anti-HIV antibodies were detected using the HIV-1 enzyme immunoassay (Abbott, Abbott Park, IL) and p24 antigenemia was detected with the Coulter HIV-1 p24 antigen assay (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA) (Fig. 1). Antiretroviral therapies were not initiated during the period of study. Because donations were of plasma only, no peripheral blood mononuclear cells were available for functional analyses of the CTL response. These studies were approved by the University of California, San Francisco Committee on Human Research.

    Seroconversion was observed during the second or third week following initial RNA detection for seven subjects, during week 1 for 1001, and during the fourth week for 1057. The initial plasma donations of subject 1057 and PRB959 were already viremic but subsequent seroconversion confirmed primary infection status.

    All open reading frames of plasma HIV-1 RNA from two time points separated by 7 to 28 days (arrows in Fig. 1) were sequenced. For genome amplification plasma HIV-1 RNA was purified, reverse transcribed, and subjected to nested PCR (5). The resulting half-genome amplicons were directly sequenced. The PCR and sequencing protocols have been described in detail (5). Sequences were manually edited using EditView, assembled into a single contig, and aligned using the Seqman and Megalign programs, respectively (DNAstar Inc., Madison, WI). The wide variation in the location of HIV mutations evolving within each subject is shown in Fig. 2.

    Both complete and partial nucleotide sequence changes were observed by direct amplicon sequencing. Partial nucleotide changes were detected when either time point showed a mixed base consisting of two overlapping sequencing electrophoregram peaks (where the minority peak reached 25% of the dominant peak) while the other time point showed only a single base peak. These mixed bases are recorded using the IUB nomenclature in the deposited sequences (GenBank accession numbers AY331282 to AY331297, AY332236, and AY332237). Mixed bases, commonly seen when directly sequencing HIV amplicons, reflect polymorphisms in the viral quasispecies that are not yet fixed in the entire viral population. The short time interval between sampled plasma pairs is likely responsible for the frequent detection of such partial nucleotide changes. Partial mutations were analyzed in the same way as full nucleotide substitutions (i.e., positions changing from single into mixed residues, and vice versa, were counted as one mutation). No codon contained more than a single mixed base, and therefore all codons with a mixed base could be translated into only one or two amino acids.

    No mutations were observed in subjects 1006 and 1027, who were sampled only 7 and 12 days apart (Fig. 1). For the seven other genome pairs, a total of 107 nucleotide substitutions were detected, resulting in intrasubject mutation frequencies of 0.08% to 0.37%. The accumulation of nucleotide substitutions occurred at an average yearly rate of 2.05%. The genomewide dN/dS ratios, calculated using the SNAP program from the HIV sequence database [www.hiv.lanl.gov (27)], ranged from 0.249 to 0.87, reflecting overall purifying selection against amino acid changes. The gene distribution of NS mutations varied widely between donors. Overall the highest number of NS mutations was located in env (n = 19), pol (n = 15), gag (n = 14), nef (n = 6), vif (n = 3), and vpr (n = 3). In these subjects no NS mutations were detected in the early expressed accessory genes tat, rev, and vpu. When adjusted for gene length, the highest density of NS mutations was found with the vpr, nef, and gag genes (The high mutation rate for the short open reading frame of vpr was the result of a single NS mutation in three subjects [1013, 1018, and 1057] located within Vpr amino acids 34 to 40).

    The total number of nucleotide substitutions was correlated with both the time interval between the two sequenced time points and the time interval between the initial detection of HIV RNA and the second sequenced time point (P = 0.05, r2 = 0.32 and P = 0.02, r2 = 0.48, respectively). The number of nucleotide substitutions was also positively correlated with changes in plasma viremia between the two sequenced time points (P = 0.04, r2 = 0.37) indicating that increasing viral loads were associated with a higher number of mutations. Similar trends were observed using NS mutations only (P = 0.09, r2 = 0.24; P = 0.006, r2 = 0.62; and P = 0.06, r2 = 0.3, respectively).

    HIV-1 evolution is influenced by numerous virus-host interactions including changes in antibody and CTL selection pressures upon infection of a new host. In order to evaluate the influence of the HLA class I types on the location of early NS mutations, high-resolution HLA-A and -B types were determined by PCR and sequencing of human DNA purified from plasma samples. DNA was isolated in a clean room designed for pre-PCR manipulation using the QIAamp DNA mini kit (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA). Locus-specific PCR amplifications were performed for exons 2 and 3; exon 4 was amplified as required to resolve ambiguities (Perkin Elmer Life Sciences, Shelton, CT) (L. A. Baxter-Lowe, unpublished). Ambiguities involving polymorphism in the leader peptide (HLA-A7401/02 and B2705/13) were not resolved, because these mutations are not predicted to alter the peptide binding characteristics of the protein product. These are listed in Table 1 as HLA-A7401 and HLA-B2705. For subject 1013, there was insufficient DNA to resolve the exon 4 ambiguity of HLA-A2301/07N. This has been listed in Table 1 as HLA-A2301 as HLA-A2307N is extremely rare. Eighteen different HLA-A and -B types were detected among the seven plasma donors whose HIV evolved between the sampled time points (Table 1). Many of these types are frequently observed in African-Americans (10).

    When published CTL epitopes for these 18 HLA class I molecules were sought in the existing literature only 13 of 18 HLA types had any CTL epitopes described (Los Alamos HIV immunology database, January 2005). A total of 62 HIV CTL epitopes with a range of 1 to 16 underlined epitopes per HLA type were identified. Eight of the 59 HIV NS mutations (13.5%) were located within reported HLA class I restricted epitopes (Table 2). These eight NS mutations, found in three subjects, were within epitopes restricted by one or in two cases by two of their host's class I molecules (Table 2).

    We calculated the probability of 8 out of 59 NS mutations occurring within previously reported CTL epitopes for the seven subjects with HIV mutations. All 62 reported epitopes restricted by their hosts' class I HLA-A and HLA-B molecules were compiled from the database. The total numbers of amino acids included within reported CTL epitopes were calculated individually for each of the seven primary infection subjects and then added up (the same amino acids found in overlapping epitopes within the same subject were counted once). A total of 943 amino acids were found within reported CTL epitopes. The total number of amino acids encoded by HIV in these seven subjects was 22,048 (Table 3). The fraction of virally encoded amino acids within reported CTL epitopes was therefore 943/22,048 (4.3%). The proportion of NS mutations found within these reported CTL epitopes was 8/59 (13%), which was significantly greater than expected by chance, considering the low density (4.3%) of reported CTL epitopes (P < 0.005, test of proportion and Fisher’s exact test). This result indicated that NS mutations evolving within the first month of infection were significantly more likely to be found within than outside a reported CTL epitope.

    We also calculated separately for each subject and for all subjects together the odds ratio of finding an NS mutation in a predicted CTL epitope (Table 3). Odds ratio values in three subjects were greater than one, ranging from 3.9 to 5.7, reflecting the preferential location of NS mutations within reported CTL epitopes. An odds ratio of 3.1 was calculated using all seven subjects with HIV mutations.

    The number of CTL epitopes restricted by the HLA class I molecules of these African American plasma donors in the Los Alamos databases is likely to be a large underestimate of potential epitopes, because many of these HLA types have not been studied in detail (i.e., no CTL epitopes were reported for 5 of the 18 HLA types). Furthermore most studies mapping epitopes have done so using only a subset of HIV proteins, and epitopes have typically been identified using reference or subtype consensus strains rather than autologous strains. Mutational escape from CTL can also occur at different steps during peptide processing and HLA binding. Viral protein degradation by the proteasome, transport of peptides into the endoplasmic reticulum, peptide trimming, and peptide loading may all be affected by sequence changes flanking rather than within the final antigenic peptide (2, 12, 15). Finally, some NS mutations linearly distant from the CTL epitope may also be selected as compensatory mutations to reduce the fitness cost imposed by CTL escape mutations (34).

    The immature state of the immune response so early following primary infection may also have limited the amount of CTL selection pressure on the replicating quasispecies although in the SIV model system immunodominant epitope escape mutations have been seen within 4 weeks of infection (3, 32). The percentage of early NS mutations reported here that may affect CTL epitopes may therefore be a minimum value. Indeed we noted that the two subjects with the highest number of HLA-A and -B types restricted CTL epitopes in the database (1001 and 1057) were among the three subjects with an overabundance of NS mutations within reported epitopes (Tables 2 and 3). As more CTL epitopes to less frequent HLA-A and -B types are reported, a greater proportion of very early NS mutations may therefore be found within CTL epitopes.

    In summary, the location of NS mutations occurring within the first month of acute HIV infection varied greatly among subjects. The influence of the host's class I HLA type was reflected within weeks of infection by the preferential distribution of 13.5% of NS mutations within previously reported CTL epitopes.


    Support for this study was provided to E.L.D. by the UC Universitywide AIDS Research Program (ID02-SF-075) and NIAID (AI47320 and AI43261).


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