- The Global Transcriptional Effects of the Human Pa 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Characterization and Intracellular Localization of 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- BFRF1 of Epstein-Barr Virus Is Essential for Effic 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Stable Secondary Structure near the Nicking Site f 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Immunologic Pressure within Class I-Restricted Cog 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Novel Polyomavirus Detected in the Feces of a Chim 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Heterogeneity of a Fluorescent Tegument Component 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Role of the Conserved Nucleotide Mismatch within 3 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- 3'-Terminal Sequence in Poliovirus Negative-Strand 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Mechanisms of Nonrandom Human Immunodeficiency Vir 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Acid-Resistant Bovine Pestivirus Requires Activati 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Expression of Glucose Transporter 1 Confers Suscep 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Vesicular Stomatitis Viruses Expressing Wild-Type 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- A 57-Nucleotide Upstream Early Polyadenylation Ele 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Biological Differences between Vesicular Stomatiti 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Analysis of Human Cytomegalovirus oriLyt Sequence 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Amsacta moorei Entomopoxvirus Inhibitor of Apoptos 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Receptor-Induced Conformational Changes in the SU 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- A Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus/Human He 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Altered Function in CD8+ T Cells following Paramyx 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Increased Epitope-Specific CD8+ T Cells Prevent Mu 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Amino Acids 1055 to 1192 in the S2 Region of Sever 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Complementarity in the Supramolecular Design of Ar 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Modulation of the CD8+-T-Cell Response by CD4+ CD2 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The C-Terminal Half of TSG101 Blocks Rous Sarcoma 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Functional Analysis of the Pseudorabies Virus UL51 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Pairs of Vp1 Cysteine Residues Essential for Simia 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Insertional Polymorphisms of Endogenous Feline Leu 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- ICP27 Recruits Aly/REF but Not TAP/NXF1 to Herpes 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Structural Analysis of Tobacco Etch Potyvirus HC-P 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Enhanced Cellular Immunity in Macaques following a 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Lambda Interferon Inhibits Hepatitis B and C Virus 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Deletion of Highly Conserved Arginine-Rich RNA Bin 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Increased Multinucleoside Drug Resistance and Decr 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Inhibition of Viral Replication by Ribozyme: Mutat 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Protection of Rhesus Monkeys against Infection wit 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- A Noninfectious Simian/Human Immunodeficiency Viru 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Functional Interaction of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ri 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Recombinant Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1(HSV-1) Co 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Selection of Resistance in Protease Inhibitor-Expe 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Improving the Safety of a Conditional-Live Human I 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Splicing of Rhesus Rhadinovirus R15 and ORF74 Bici 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Signature for Long-Term Vaccine-Mediated Control o 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Latency-Associated Nuclear Antigen of Rhesus M 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Transfer of the Full-Length Dystrophin-Coding Sequ 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Coiled-Coil Domain of the Adenovirus Type 5 Pr 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Lactoferrin Prevents Dendritic Cell-Mediated Human 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Reduced Hepatitis B Virus(HBV)-Specific CD4+ T-Ce 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Human Endogenous Retrovirus HERV-K14 Families: Sta 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus/Human Herp 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Mutational Analysis of Hepatitis C Virus Nonstruct 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68 Open Reading Frame 11 E 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Alternative tRNA Priming of Human Immunodeficiency 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Characterization of a Novel Influenza A Virus Hema 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Detection of Antibody-Dependent Complement-Mediate 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Positive and Negative Regulation of Chicken Anemia 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Discerning an Effective Balance between Equine Inf 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara Express 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Early Antiretroviral Therapy for Simian Immunodefi 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Recombinant Mouse Hepatitis Virus Strain A59 from 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Estradiol Regulates Susceptibility following Prima 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Interleukin 7 Increases Human Immunodeficiency Vir 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Processing and Presentation of Exogenous HLA Class 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Anatomical and Cellular Requirements for the Activ 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Facilitates the Tr 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Interaction with Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Rec 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Synchronized Infection of Cell Cultures by Magneti 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Silencing of Integrated Human Papillomavirus Type 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Human Papillomavirus Type 18 E6 Protein Binds the 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Effects of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Nonstructu 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Variants of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Th 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Kinetic Factors Control Efficiencies of Cell Entry 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1-Induced Macrop 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Amino Acid Preferences for a Critical Substrate Bi 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Dual Role of the Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Viru 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- RNA Polymerase I-Driven Minigenome System for Ebol 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Epstein-Barr Virus Transforming Protein LMP1 Plays 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Mechanism of the Antiviral Action of 1-?-D-Arabino 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Circumventing Tolerance to the Prion Protein(PrP) 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- In Vivo Selection of Respiratory Syncytial Viruses 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3