- Deletion of the Second Immunoglobulin-Like Domain 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Importin- Promotes Passage through the Nuclear Por 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Identification of an Essential Domain in the Herpe 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Human Cytomegalovirus Immediate-Early 2 Gene Expre 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Endocytosis of the Nipah Virus Glycoproteins 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Exogenous ACE2 Expression Allows Refractory Cell L 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Ligand-Directed Gene Targeting to Mammalian Cells 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Large-Scale Molecular Characterization of Adeno-As 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Evaluation of the Conformational Switch Model for 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Regulation of Translation by Ribosome Shunting thr 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Association of the Influenza A Virus RNA-Dependent 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Coat Protein Activation of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus Re 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Structure and Assembly of a T=1 Virus-Like Particl 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- A Conformational Change in the Adeno-Associated Vi 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Characterization of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Th 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- ATPS Disrupts Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Regulated and Liver-Specific Tamarin Alpha Interfe 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Toll-Like Receptor Signaling Inhibits Hepatitis B 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Diversifying Selection in Human Papillomavirus Typ 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Paleogenomic Record of the Extinction of Human End 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Induction of Murine Mucosal CCR5-Reactive Antibodi 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Hepatitis C Virus Replicons Escape RNA Interferenc 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Importance of Arginine 20 of the Swine Vesicular D 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Natural Killer Cells Utilize both Perforin and Gam 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Nef Domains Re 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Ebola Virus Glycoprotein Toxicity Is Mediated by a 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Unique Stacked Rings in the Nucleocapsid of th 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Identification of a Region in the Herpes Simplex V 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Silencing the Morphogenesis of Rotavirus 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 DNA Packaging Prot 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Induction of the RelB NF-B Subunit by the Cytomega 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Regions of the Varicella-Zoster Virus Open Reading 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68 ORF27 Gene Product 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Precise Identification of Endogenous Proviruses of 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Weak Palindromic Consensus Sequences Are a Common 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- In Vivo Evidence for Instability of Episomal Human 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Evidence of Recombination in the Norovirus Capsid 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Retroviral Recombination In Vivo: Viral Replicatio 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Role of the Specific Amino Acid Sequence of the Me 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Anti-CXCR4 Monoclonal Antibodies Recognizing Overl 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Infection Activates the End 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Rearrangement of Simian Virus 40 Regulatory Region 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection via the Bloo 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Blockade of the Poliovirus-Induced Cytopathic Effe 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- B-Cell Responses in Patients Who Have Recovered fr 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Characterization of an In Vitro Model of Alphaviru 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Architecture of Replication Compartments Formed du 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Complex Formation among Murine Cytomegalovirus US2 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Evaluation of Transcriptional Efficiency of Hepati 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Transcriptional Activity of Baculovirus Very Late 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Inhibition of Interferon Signaling by the New York 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Influenza A Virus M2 Cytoplasmic Tail Is Requi 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Glycoprotein M Is an Essential Lytic Replication P 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- E1A-CR3 Interaction-Dependent and -Independent Fun 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Importance of both the Coding and the Segment-Spec 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Memory T-Cell Response to Rotavirus Detected with 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Inhibits Postent 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Homologous Crossovers among Molecules of Brome Mos 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Synthesis, Assembly, and Processing of the Env ERV 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Few Mutations in the 5' Leader Region Mediate Fitn 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Linked Tumor-Selective Virus Replication and Trans 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Replication-Competent Adenovirus Formation in 293 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Viremia and Nasal and Rectal Shedding of Rotavirus 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Initiation and Exacerbation of Autoimmune Demyelin 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Perforin and Fas Cytolytic Pathways Coordinately S 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Vertical Transmission of Bovine Spongiform Encepha 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Growth of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Primary E 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Real-Time Detection of Virus Particles and Viral P 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Vpr Impairs De 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Junctional Adhesion Molecule A Serves as a Recepto 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Inhibition of Alpha/Beta Interferon Signaling by t 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Acylation-Mediated Membrane Anchoring of Avian Inf 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Unusual Topological Arrangement of Structural Moti 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Nuclear Localization of the Nipah Virus W Protein 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- An Adenovirus Type 5(Ad5) Amplicon-Based Packagin 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Targeting Human Glioblastoma Cells: Comparison of 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Comparative Host Gene Transcription by Microarray 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Constitutive Activation of the Transcription Facto 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Carboxyl-Proximal Regions of Reovirus Nonstructura 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Genome Packaging Sense Is Controlled by the Effici 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3