- Infection of Ciliated Cells by Human Parainfluenza 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Red Clover Necrotic Mosaic Virus RNA2 trans-Ac 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 1 Interacts wit 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Conditional Mutations in the Mitotic Chromosome Bi 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- West Nile Virus Inhibits the Signal Transduction P 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Involvement of Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis in Hu 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Hepatitis C Virus(HCV) Constitutively Activates S 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- CCR5, GPR15, and CXCR6 Are Major Coreceptors of Hu 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Rodent Cells Support Key Functions of the Human Im 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Vaccinia Virus Penetration Requires Cholesterol an 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Wild-Ca 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Opening of Size-Selective Pores in Endosomes durin 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Studies of Ebola Virus Glycoprotein-Mediated Entry 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Structural Requirements for Recognition of the Hum 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Deletion of Penton RGD Motifs Affects the Efficien 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Decreased Dependence on Receptor Recognition for t 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Inhibition of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E7 Phos 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Vaccinia Virus F1L Protein Is a Tail-Anchored Prot 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Epstein-Barr Virus gp42 Is Posttranslationally Mod 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Antibodies That Are Cross-Reactive for Human Immun 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Functional Analysis of Vif Protein Shows Less Rest 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Characterization and Complete Genome Sequence of a 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Natural History of a Recurrent Feline Coronavirus 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Novel Strategy for Generation and Titration of Rec 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Infectivity and Lytic Activity of Minute Virus 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Unrestricted Hepatocyte Transduction with Adeno-As 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Effects of Febrile Temperature on Adenoviral Infec 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Viral Transport of DNA Damage That Mimics a Stalle 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Inverted Terminal Repeat Sequences Are Important f 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Comprehensive Analysis of Human Endogenous Retrovi 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Adenovirus Early Region 3 Transgenes Expressed in 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Cyclophilin Interactions with Incoming Human Immun 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Evolutionary Spread and Recombination of Porcine E 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Analysis of Pigtail Macaque Major Histocompatibili 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- A Complex Zinc Finger Controls the Enzymatic Activ 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Directed Evolution of Retrovirus Envelope Protein 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Quantification of the Effects on Viral DNA Synthes 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Neutralizing Antibodies Elicited by Immunization o 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Integrating Reptilian Herpesviruses into the Famil 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Antigenicity and Immunogenicity of a Synthetic Hum 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Poliovirus Escape from RNA Interference: Short Int 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Genome of Deerpox Virus 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- CpG Methylation Directly Regulates Transcriptional 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Selection for Virulent Dengue Viruses Occurs in Hu 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Genomic Variation of the Fibropapilloma-Associated 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- In Vitro and In Vivo Relevance of Infectious Laryn 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Spread of Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus from a Paraly 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Epstein-Barr Virus Protein BMRF1 Activates Gas 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Expression of Cellular Oncogene Bcl-xL Prevents Co 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Carboxyl-Terminal Region of Human Cytomegalovi 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Methylation of Tat by PRMT6 Regulates Human Immuno 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Focal Distribution of Baculovirus IE1 Triggered by 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Kissing-Loop Interaction in the 3' End of the Hepa 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Crystal Structure of Complete Rhinovirus RNA Polym 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Epstein-Barr Virus Replication Protein BBLF2/3 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Expression and Characterization of a Soluble, Acti 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Epstein-Barr Virus BILF1 Gene Encodes a G Prot 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Mutations in the RNase H Primer Grip Domain of Mur 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Nodamura Virus RNA Replication in Saccharomyces ce 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Conditional Cytomegalovirus Replication In Vitro a 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Sindbis Virus with a Tricomponent Genome 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Nonhepatic Cell Lines HeLa and 293 Support Efficie 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Short Internal Sequences Involved in Replication a 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Macrophages Kill Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E6-E 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Analysis of Wild-Type and Mutant SL3-3 Murine Leuk 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Systemic Priming-Boosting Immunization with a Triv 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Evolutionary Trace Residues in Noroviruses: Import 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 gK Is Required for gB- 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Comparative Immunogenicity of Human Immunodeficien 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Comparative Efficacy and Immunogenicity of Replica 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- La Crosse Virus Nonstructural Protein NSs Countera 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Cytoplasmic Tail Slows the Folding of Human Im 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Systematic Pathogenesis and Replication of Avian H 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Single-Amino-Acid Substitutions in Open Reading Fr 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- The Proline-Rich Homeodomain(PRH/HEX) Protein Is 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Characterization of the Minimal Replicator of Kapo 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Early Steps of Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis Invol 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Inhibition of Cell Division by the Human Cytomegal 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- RNA Recombination of Hepatitis Delta Virus in Natu 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3
- Complex Formation by Glycoproteins M and N of Huma 《病菌学杂志》 2006-10-3