闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炴牠顢曢敂钘変罕闂婎偄娲︾粙鎴犵玻濡ゅ懎绠规繛锝庡墮婵″ジ鏌涢妸銉モ偓鍧楀蓟閵娾晜鍋嗛柛灞剧☉椤忥拷: 闂傚倷娴囬褍霉閻戣棄鏋佸┑鐘宠壘绾捐鈹戦悩鍙夋悙缂佹劖顨婇弻锟犲炊閳轰焦鐏侀梺宕囨嚀缁夋挳鍩為幋锔藉亹闁告瑥顦伴幃娆忊攽閳藉棗浜濋柨鏇樺灲瀵鈽夐姀鐘栥劑鏌曡箛濠傚⒉闁绘繃鐗犻幃宄扳堪閸愩劎鐩庨梺鐟板殩閹凤拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庢濮橆兗缂氶柤濮愬€栫€氬鏌i弮鍌氬付缂佲偓婢舵劕绠规繛锝庡墮婵″ジ鏌涘顒傜Ш妤犵偞鐗曡彁妞ゆ巻鍋撻柣蹇e櫍閺屽秶绱掑Ο鑽ゎ槹闂佸搫琚崝鎴濐嚕椤掑嫬鍨傛い鏃囶潐鐎垫牗绻濋悽闈涗户闁靛棗顑夐獮蹇涙晸閿燂拷 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥х暦閸偅鍙忕€广儱顦粈鍐┿亜椤撶喎鐏i柣銉邯濮婄粯鎷呴崨濠冨創濡炪倖鍨甸崐鍨暦濠婂啠鏀介柛顐犲灮閻撴挻绻濋姀锝嗙【濠㈣泛娲畷鎴﹀箻缂佹ɑ娅滈柟鑲╄ˉ閳ь剙纾鎴犵磽閸屾瑦顦风紒韬插€濋獮蹇涙晸閿燂拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閼哥數浠氭俊鐐€栭崹鐢稿疮閺夋垹鏆﹂柡鍥ュ灪閻掕偐鈧箍鍎遍幊鎰版偩濞差亝鍊垫鐐茬仢閸旀碍銇勯敂璇茬仯闁汇儺浜iˇ褰掓煛鐏炲墽銆掑ù鐙呯畵閹瑩顢楅崒娑卞悋缂傚倸鍊烽懗鑸靛垔閹绢喖绠柨鐕傛嫹 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閸洏鈧焦绻濋崟顓狀槱婵炴潙鍚嬪ḿ娆戝閸ф鈷戞い鎺嗗亾缂佸鎸冲畷褰掑磼閻愬鍘搁梺鍛婂姂閸斿孩鏅跺☉銏$厽闁圭儤娲﹂崵娆愩亜椤撯剝纭堕柟鐟板閹煎綊宕烽婵堢濠电姷顣槐鏇㈠磿閹达箑绠柨鐕傛嫹 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閸撲焦鍏滈柛顐f礀閻ら箖鏌i幇顓犮偞闁哄绉归弻銊モ攽閸♀晜肖闂侀€炲苯鍘哥紒鑸佃壘閻g兘濡搁埡浣洪獓闂佺懓顕刊顓炍eú顏呪拺闁煎鍊曞瓭濠电偛鐪伴崐鏇$亽婵犵數濮村ú銈囩矆婢舵劖鐓ラ柣鏇炲€圭€氾拷 婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磻閻愬搫鍨傞柛顐f礀缁犱即鎮归崶褍鏂€缂傚倹纰嶇换娑㈠幢濡櫣浼囨繝娈垮枟婵炲﹪寮婚弴鐔风窞闁糕剝蓱閻濇梻绱撴担鎻掍壕閻庡厜鍋撻柛鏇ㄥ墮娴狀垶姊洪幖鐐插妧闁告洏鍔嶉悘鍡涙⒒娴e憡鍟炴俊顐e灴楠炲繘鏁撻敓锟� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐宄懊归崶顒€纾婚柟鎵閸嬨倝鏌¢崘銊у闁搞劌鍊搁湁闁稿繐鍚嬮崕妤呮煛娴e憡顥㈤柡灞诲姂閹倝宕掑☉姗嗕紦 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥敋瑜忛埀顒佺▓閺呯姴鐣峰Ο鑽ょ瘈婵﹩鍘搁幐鍐⒑閸涘﹥澶勯柛鎾村哺瀹曪綀绠涘☉娆戝弳闂佺粯娲栭崐鍦偓姘炬嫹 婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磻閻愬搫鍨傞柛顐f礀缁犲綊鏌嶉崫鍕櫣闁稿被鍔戦弻锝夊箻瀹曞洨妲忛梺鑽ゅ枑鐎氬牓寮崼婵嗙獩濡炪倖鎸炬刊顓炍eú顏呪拺闁煎鍊曞瓭濠电偛鐪伴崐鏇$亽婵犵數濮村ú銈囩矆婢舵劖鐓ラ柣鏇炲€圭€氾拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炲鏁撻悩顔瑰亾閸愵厾鐤€婵炴垶岣块敍娑㈡⒑缁洖澧茬紒瀣灴瀵憡绗熼埀顒勫蓟閻旂厧绠查柟浼存涧濞堫厾绱撴担鍝勑i柛銊ユ健瀵鏁撻悩鑼槹濡炪倖鍔х徊鍧椼€呮导瀛樷拺闁告縿鍎卞▍鎰版煙閸戙倖瀚�
婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磿閹寸姴绶ら柦妯侯棦濞差亝鏅滈柣鎰靛墮鎼村﹪姊虹粙鎸庢拱缂佸鎹囬妴鍛存倻閼恒儳鍙嗛梺缁樻礀閸婂湱鈧熬鎷�: 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炴牠顢曢敃鈧壕褰掓煟閹达絾顥夌痪顓涘亾闂備礁鎲¢崝鏇炍熸繝鍌樷偓鎺撶節濮橆厾鍙嗛梺缁樻礀閸婂湱鈧熬鎷� 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥х暦閸偅鍙忛柡澶嬪殮濞差亜围闁搞儻绲芥禍鐐叏濡厧甯堕柣蹇ラ檮閵囧嫰濮€閿涘嫭鍣伴梺杞扮劍閹瑰洭寮幘缁樻櫢闁跨噦鎷� 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥х暦閻㈢ǹ绐楅柟鎵閸嬶繝鏌曟径鍫濆壔婵炴垶菤濡插牓鏌曡箛鏇炐ラ柨娑欑洴濮婅櫣鎹勯妸銉︾彚闂佺懓鍤栭幏锟� 闂傚倸鍊烽悞锕傛儑瑜版帒鏄ラ柛鏇ㄥ灠閸ㄥ倿姊洪鈧粔鐢稿磻閵堝鐓涢柛銉e劚閻忣亪鏌涙惔鈽呰含闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥倿閿曞倹鍎戠憸鐗堝笒绾惧綊鏌¢崶鈺佹瀾婵炲懐濞€閺岋箑螣娓氼垱鈻撳┑鐐插悑閻楃娀寮婚妸鈺傚亞闁稿本绋戦锟� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥倿閿曞倹鍎戠憸鐗堝笒绾惧潡鏌涘Δ鍐х闯婵炲樊浜滄儫闂佹寧妫佸Λ鍕嚕閸ф鈷戦悹鎭掑妼濞呮劙鏌熼崙銈嗗 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閼哥數浠氱紓鍌欒兌缁垶銆冮崨瀛樺仼闁绘垼濮ら崑銊х磼鐎n偄顕滈柣搴墴濮婅櫣鎹勯妸銉︾彚闂佺懓鍤栭幏锟� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閸洖纾块柣銏⑶圭壕濠氭煙閹规劦鍤欑紒鈧径鎰彄闁搞儯鍔嶇亸鐢告煛閸℃劕鈧繈寮婚妸鈺傚亞闁稿本绋戦锟� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閸洏鈧焦绻濋崟顓狀槱婵炴潙鍚嬪ḿ娆戝鐟欏嫪绻嗛柕鍫濇噺閸e湱绱掗悩宕囧⒌闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐宄懊归崶顒夋晪闁哄稁鍘肩粈鍌涚箾閸℃ɑ灏痪鎯ф健閺岋紕浠︾拠鎻掑闂佹眹鍊濈粻鏍蓟閵娾晜鍋嗛柛灞剧☉椤忥拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閼哥數浠氭俊鐐€栭崹鐢稿疮閺夋垹鏆﹂柡鍥ュ灩缁犵粯銇勯弮鍌滄憘婵☆偄鎳樺铏规崉閵娿儲鐝㈤梺鐟板殩閹凤拷 缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾圭紒瀣紩濞差亜围闁糕檧鏅滈鏃堟⒑瑜版帗锛熺紒璁圭節瀵偅绻濋崶銊у弳闂佺粯娲栭崐鍦偓姘炬嫹 婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磻閻愬搫鍨傞柛顐f礀缁犱即鏌涢锝嗙缁炬儳缍婇弻鈥愁吋鎼粹€崇闂佺粯甯掗悘姘跺Φ閸曨垰绠抽柟鎼灡閺侀箖鏌f惔銏㈠暡闁瑰嚖鎷� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閸洖鍌ㄧ憸宥夘敋閿濆绠氶柤鍓插厸濮规姊洪崨濠傚Е闁哥姵鐗滅划鍫熷緞閹邦厾鍙嗛梺缁樻礀閸婂湱鈧熬鎷� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥倿閿曗偓椤啴宕归鍛數婵炴挻鍩冮崑鎾搭殽閻愯尙绠婚柡浣规崌閺佹捇鏁撻敓锟� 婵犵數濮烽弫鍛婄箾閳ь剚绻涙担鍐叉搐绾捐鈹戦悩鍙夋悙缂佺媭鍨堕弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閸洖鍌ㄧ憸搴ㄥ箚閺傚簱鍫柛顐g箘椤斿棝姊虹捄銊ユ珢闁瑰嚖鎷� 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥敋瑜忛幑銏ゅ箛椤撗勵啍闂婎偄娲︾粙鎴犵不椤栫偞鐓ラ柣鏇炲€圭€氾拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥倿閿曞倸绠栭柛顐f礀绾惧潡鏌ょ喊鍗炲闁活厽鐟╅弻鐔告綇閹呮В闂佽桨绀佸Λ婵嬪蓟閵娾晜鍋嗛柛灞剧☉椤忥拷 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥х暦閸偅鍙忛柡澶嬪殮濞差亜鐓涘ù锝囧劋濞堥箖姊洪崜鑼帥闁稿鎳庨埢宥夋偐缂佹ḿ鍙嗛梺缁樻礀閸婂湱鈧熬鎷� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炴牠顢曢埛姘そ閺佸啴鍩€椤掆偓閻滃宕归瑙勭€婚梺瑙勫劤缁夋潙煤椤撱垹鏋侀柟鍓х帛閺呮悂鏌ㄩ悤鍌涘
婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磻閻愬搫鍨傞柛顐f礀缁犲綊鏌嶉崫鍕櫣闁稿被鍔戦弻銈吤圭€n偅鐝掗梺缁樺笒閿曨亪寮婚妸鈺傚亞闁稿本绋戦锟�: 闂傚倸鍊烽悞锕傛儑瑜版帒鏄ラ柛鏇ㄥ灠閸ㄥ倿姊洪鈧粔鐢稿磻閵堝鐓涢柛銉e劚閻忣亪鏌涙惔鈽呰含闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐宄懊归崶褜娴栭柕濞炬櫆閸婂潡鏌ㄩ弴鐐测偓褰掑磻閿熺姵鐓ラ柡鍥殔娴滃墽鈧厜鍋撻柨婵嗘噺閸嬨儵鏌℃担瑙勫磳闁轰焦鎹囬弫鎾绘晸閿燂拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐宄懊归崶顒夋晪闁哄稁鍘肩粈鍫熸叏濡潡鍝虹€规洘鐓¢弻娑㈠焺閸愵亖妲堥梺缁樺笒閻忔岸濡甸崟顖氱闁规惌鍨遍弫楣冩煟鎼淬垻鍟查柟鍑ゆ嫹 婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磻閻愬搫鍨傞柛顐f礀缁犲綊鏌嶉崫鍕櫣闁活厽顨婇弻宥堫檨闁告挻鐩崺鈧い鎺戝枤濞兼劙鏌熺喊鍗炰喊妤犵偛绻橀弫鎾绘晸閿燂拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炲鏁撻悩鍐蹭罕闂佺粯鍔樼亸娆撳汲閿曞倹鐓熼柕蹇婃嚉閸︻厾涓嶉柡宥庡幗閻撱儵鏌i弴鐐测偓鍦偓姘炬嫹 婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磻閻愬搫鍨傞柛顐f礀缁犱即鎮归崶褍鏂€缂傚倹纰嶇换娑㈠幢濡櫣浼囨繝娈垮枟婵炲﹪寮婚妸鈺傚亞闁稿本绋戦锟� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹瀹勬噴褰掑炊椤剚鐩畷鐔碱敍濞戞ü缃曢梻浣告贡閸嬫挸顪冮崸妤€鏋佸〒姘e亾闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼� 濠电姷鏁告慨鐢割敊閺嶎厼绐楁俊銈呭閹冲矂姊绘担瑙勫仩闁告柨绻愰埢鏂库槈濠婂懍缃曢梻鍌欐祰濞夋洟宕抽敃鍌氱闁跨噦鎷� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炴牠顢曢敃鈧壕鍦磼鐎n偓绱╂繛宸簻鍥撮梺鎼炲劵缁茶姤绂嶉崜褏妫柡澶嬵儥濡插綊鎮楀鐐 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥倿閿曞倸鍨傛繝闈涱儐閸婂潡鏌ㄩ弴鐐测偓鍛婎攰闂備胶绮崝妤呭极閸濄儳鐭嗗┑鐘叉处閻撱儵鏌i弴鐐测偓鍦偓姘炬嫹 婵犵數濮撮惀澶愬级鎼存挸浜炬俊銈勭劍閸欏繘鏌熺紒銏犳灈閻庢艾顦伴妵鍕箳閹存繍浠奸梺钘夊暟閸犳牠寮婚妸鈺傚亞闁稿本绋戦锟� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥倿閿曞倸绠栭柛顐f礀绾惧潡鏌熺紒妯虹闁哄棴闄勬穱濠囶敍濞嗘帩鍔呭┑鐐茬毞閺呯娀寮婚妸鈺傚亞闁稿本绋戦锟� 婵犵數濮烽。顔炬閺囥垹纾绘繛鎴欏焺閺佸嫰鏌涢妷顔煎缂佹劖顨婇弻鐔煎箲閹伴潧娈梺鍛婂灩婵炩偓闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐宄懊归崶顒€纾婚柟鎵閸嬨倝鏌¢崘銊у闁搞劌鍊块弻褑绠涢敐鍛凹濠电偛鎳愭繛鈧柡灞诲姂閹倝宕掑☉姗嗕紦 闂傚倸鍊搁崐宄懊归崶顒€纾婚柟鎵閸嬨倝鏌¢崘銊у闁搞劌鍊归妵鍕冀閵娧呯厒缂備胶濮靛Λ鍐蓟閵娾晜鍋嗛柛灞剧☉椤忥拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐宄懊归崶顒€纾婚柟鎵閸嬨倝鏌¢崘銊у闁搞劌鍊块弻鐔封枔閸喗鐏撻梺鍛婎殕瀹€鎼佸蓟閵娾晜鍋嗛柛灞剧☉椤忥拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炴牠顢曢敃鈧壕褰掓偡濞嗗繐顏╅柛銊︽閺岋箑螣娓氼垱楔闂佸搫妫庨崐婵嬪蓟閵娾晜鍋嗛柛灞剧☉椤忥拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閸洖绠犻柟鎹愵嚙鐟欙箓鎮楅敐搴″闁搞劍绻堥獮鏍庨鈧俊鑲╃棯閹佸仮闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓瀹曘儳鈧綆鈧叏缍侀獮鎺楀箻閸欐ḿ鐭掗梻浣哥秺濡法绮堟笟鈧畷娆撴偐缂佹ḿ鍙嗛梺缁樻礀閸婂湱鈧熬鎷�
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Relative Contributions of Measles Virus Hemaggluti

     Department of Virology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


    The relative contribution of measles virus hemagglutinin (H)- or fusion protein (F)-specific antibodies to virus neutralization (VN) has not been demonstrated. We have depleted these specific antibodies from sera collected from young adults, who had been vaccinated during childhood, by prolonged incubation with viable transfected human melanoma cells expressing H or F. Simultaneous depletion of antibodies of both specificities completely abrogated VN activity. Depletion of F-specific antibodies only had a minimal effect, whereas removal of H-specific antibodies resulted in almost complete reduction of VN activity. These results demonstrate that measles virus neutralizing antibodies are mainly directed to the H protein.


    Measles virus (MV) is a member of the family Paramyxoviridae, genus Morbillivirus. It is transmitted via the respiratory route and has an incubation phase of 9 to 19 days (7). Whereas the cellular immune response is thought to be crucial for clearance of infection, virus-neutralizing (VN) antibodies are an important correlate of protection (4). VN antibody levels of 0.1 to 0.2 international units (IU) per ml, equivalent to titers of approximately 1:8 to 1:16, have been shown to protect from disease (2, 10) and interfere with the efficacy of live-attenuated measles vaccines (6, 14). VN antibodies are exclusively directed to the hemagglutinin (H) or fusion protein (F) and mostly recognize conformational epitopes (1). It has been suggested that H-specific antibodies are the major contributors to VN activity (1), but this has never formally been demonstrated.

    We have recently developed a fluorescence-activated cell scanner (FACS)-measured immunofluorescence assay for the detection of MV H- and F-specific antibodies, using the stably transfected human melanoma cells Mel-JuSo/MV-H or Mel-JuSo/MV-F as target cells (3), and used this assay for the detection of specific antibodies in humans and experimentally infected animals (5, 8, 12). Here, we have used the same cells to deplete H- or F-specific antibodies from polyclonal sera. Interactions between antibody and antigen result in an equilibrium between bound and unbound antibody. For depletion of unbound antibodies the antigen/antibody complexes should be removed from the system. We achieved this by culturing H- or F-expressing cells in medium supplemented with 10% of the test serum.

    From our serum bank we selected 160 samples collected in 2002 or 2003 from healthy subjects born in the period 1980 to 1985. Measles vaccination was introduced in The Netherlands in 1976 and was replaced by vaccination with measles-mumps-rubella in 1987 (15). The subjects included in this study therefore most likely received a monovalent measles vaccination at the age of 14 months and a measles-mumps-rubella vaccination at the age of 9 years. Measles has become a rare disease in The Netherlands, with sporadic outbreaks in communities with low vaccination coverage. Therefore, the majority of these subjects was probably never exposed to wild-type MV. Since samples with low MV-specific antibody levels were considered of limited use for this study, the sera were first tested in an in-house MV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The 64 samples (40%) with the lowest signals in this test were excluded from further analysis. The remaining 96 samples were heat inactivated (30 min, 56°C) and tested anonymously.

    Mel-JuSo cells expressing the MV H or F protein or the untransfected parental cell line (Mel-JuSo/wt) were seeded in 96-well flat-bottom plates in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with antibiotics and 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). When monolayers were nearly confluent, supernatants were replaced with medium containing 10% of the different test sera (150 μl/well). Supernatants were collected after 0, 1, 2, or 3 days of culture for 10 different samples and were tested for the presence of H- or F-specific IgG as previously described (3) after 1:10 dilution in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) supplemented with 3% FBS. After 3 days of culture on H-expressing cells, H-specific IgG antibodies were efficiently depleted while F-specific antibody levels remained unaffected (Fig. 1). The inverse pattern was observed for sera incubated on F-expressing cells, while incubation on the untransfected cell line left both H- and F-specific antibody levels virtually unchanged (Fig. 1).

    Next, H- and/or F-specific antibodies were removed sequentially and VN activity of the resulting samples was determined. Mel-JuSo cells were grown in medium supplemented with 10% of the test serum for a period of 3 days (round 1). Supernatants were then transferred to freshly seeded Mel-JuSo cells and cultured for another three days (round 2). To make certain that all samples had a comparable culture history, samples from which no or only a single specific antibody was depleted were also cultured on untransfected Mel-JuSo cells. Four conditions were used: condition 1 (no depletion), Mel-JuSo/wt (round 1)Mel-JuSo/wt (round 2); condition 2 (H depletion), Mel-JuSo/MV-H (round 1)Mel-JuSo/wt (round 2); condition 3 (F depletion), Mel-JuSo/MV-F (round 1)Mel-JuSo/wt (round 2); and condition 4 (H and F depletion), Mel-JuSo/MV-H (round 1)Mel-JuSo/MV-F (round 2). All assays were also performed on the original sera (referred to as condition 0).

    As shown in Fig. 2 and 3, this protocol was successful in depleting H- and/or F-specific IgG from the polyclonal test sera. Virus neutralization was measured by endpoint titration as previously described (12) and expressed in international units (IU) per milliliter, using the international reference serum for measles (serum 66/202; 5 IU per ml; World Health Organization International Laboratory for Biological Standards, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom). Effective depletion was confirmed by showing that depletion of both H- and F-specific antibodies resulted in complete abrogation of the capacity to neutralize MV strain Edmonston (Fig. 4). Depletion of F-specific antibodies only had a minimal effect on the VN titers of the serum, whereas depletion of H-specific antibodies resulted in an almost complete reduction of VN activity (Fig. 4).

    We hypothesize that the depletion of specific antibodies in this protocol is the result of internalization and degradation of bound antibodies by the H- or F-expressing cells. Since new recombinant protein is continuously produced, expressed on the cell surface, and available for binding antibody, this eventually depletes unbound antibodies from the sample without affecting antibodies with other specificities. Protein-specific antibodies in sera with VN antibody levels up to 10 IU/ml were effectively depleted (Fig. 4), demonstrating that the depletion assay had a dynamic range with a relatively high upper limit.

    The effectiveness of this approach would be expected to depend on the avidity of the serum. This was confirmed by preliminary depletion studies using a limited number of early-convalescent-phase sera collected from patients infected with wild-type MV from which H- or F-specific antibodies could not effectively be depleted (results not shown). However, in the present study all sera were collected several years after vaccination and thus may be expected to have contained only high-avidity antibodies. Another prerequisite is the absence of toxicity: a few (3 out of 96) serum samples in our study did not accommodate growth of the Mel-JuSo cells, resulting in incomplete depletion (these samples were excluded from the final analysis).

    Genetic variability of the virus under investigation may also play an important role. Although MV is a monotypic virus, some genetic variability exists, with the highest level in the H gene (16). In the present study we have used a homologous system: both the vaccine and the genes used for transfecting the cells belonged to clade A. It has been suggested that genetic variability of wild-type MV strains could in part be due to positive selection of viruses less susceptible to neutralization by vaccination-induced antibodies (9, 11). Therefore, depletion of H- and F-specific antibodies induced by infection might not completely remove the capacity to neutralize the wild-type virus. To test this hypothesis we are currently collecting late-convalescent-phase serum samples from subjects infected with recent wild-type strains.

    Finally, wild-type MV strains use the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM; CD150) as a cellular receptor, while MV-Edmonston and MV vaccine strains can use both SLAM and CD46 (13). The neutralization assay used in the present study is based on MV Edmonston infection of Vero cells, which is completely dependent on CD46 as a receptor. It would therefore be interesting to study the effect of depletion of H- and F-specific antibodies induced by infection on neutralization of wild-type MV strains in SLAM-expressing cells.

    In conclusion, we have depleted H- and/or F-specific antibodies from polyclonal sera collected from young adults more than 10 years after measles vaccination. Successful depletion was demonstrated by the loss of protein-specific IgG fluorescence signals and by the complete abrogation of VN activity in samples from which both H- and F-specific antibodies were depleted. The results described indicate that H-specific antibodies are the main correlate of vaccination-induced MV neutralization. Studies on monitoring vaccination efficacy in relation to newly emerging MV genotypes should therefore largely focus on the H protein, which could ultimately have consequences for the design of new generations of measles vaccines. Finally, the depletion assay used may also be of value for determining the role of protein-specific antibody responses in other virus infections.


    We thank Ann Vossen and Hans Kruining for their contributions to this study.


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