- Cell Biology of the Glomerular Podocyte 《生理学进展》 2005-5-4
- Transport of Exogenous Growth Factors and Cytokines to the Cytosol and to the Nucleus 《生理学进展》 2005-5-4
- Molecular Physiology of Low-Voltage-Activated T-type Calcium Channels 《生理学进展》 2005-5-3
- Cardiac Endothelial-Myocardial Signaling: Its Role in Cardiac Growth, Contractile Performance, and Rhythmicity 《生理学进展》 2005-5-3
- Receptor Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases in Nervous System Development 《生理学进展》 2005-5-3
- Blood Glucose Dynamics and Control of Meal Initiation: A Pattern Detection and Recognition Theory 《生理学进展》 2005-5-3
- Inherited and Acquired Vulnerability to Ventricular Arrhythmias: Cardiac Na+ and K+ Channels 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Calcium Absorption Across Epithelia 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Dual Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases(Matrixins) in Intimal Thickening and Atherosclerotic Plaque Rupture 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Ion Transport Pathology in the Mechanism of Sickle Cell Dehydration 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- The Multifunctional Fish Gill: Dominant Site of Gas Exchange, Osmoregulation, Acid-Base Regulation, and Excretion of Nitrogenous Waste 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Renewal of the Neurophysiology of Language: Functional Neuroimaging 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Molecular Diversity and Regulation of Renal Potassium Channels 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Information Processing in the Mammalian Olfactory System 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Calcium Store in the Endoplasmic Reticulum of Neurons 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Adult Neurogenesis: From Precursors to Network and Physiology 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- The Retinal Pigment Epithelium in Visual Function 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Thin and Strong! The Bioengineering Dilemma in the Structural and Functional Design of the Blood-Gas Barrier 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Expression and Function of Laminins in the Embryonic and Mature Vasculature 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Controlling Cell Behavior Electrically: Current Views and Future Potential 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Ion Channel Development, Spontaneous Activity, and Activity-Dependent Development in Nerve and Muscle Cells 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Myocardial Substrate Metabolism in the Normal and Failing Heart 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Structure and Function of CLCA Proteins 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Invertebrate Muscles: Muscle Specific Genes and Proteins 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Cardiac Stem Cells and Mechanisms of Myocardial Regeneration 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Sex steroid effects at target tissues: mechanisms of action 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Sex-based differences in physiology: what should we teach in the medical curriculum 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Construction of a lower body negative pressure chamber 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Teaching simple experimental design to undergraduates: do your students understand the basics 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Design guidelines for the development of digital nutrigenomics learning material for heterogeneous target groups 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- The Virtual Scientist: connecting university scientists to the K–12 classroom through videoconferencing 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- A laboratory exercise to illustrate increased salivary cortisol in response to three stressful conditions using competitive ELISA 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Are chicken embryos endotherms or ectotherms A laboratory exercise integrating concepts in thermoregulation and metabolism 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Teaching insect retinal physiology with newly designed, inexpensive micromanipulators 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Case study analysis and the remediation of misconceptions about respiratory physiology 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Case-based learning of blood oxygen transport 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Use of modified SOAP notes and peer-led small-group discussion in a Medical Physiology course: addressing the hidden curriculum 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Isolation and culture of bovine oviductal epithelial cells for use in the anatomy and physiology laboratory and undergraduate rese 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Study of physiological responses to acute carbon monoxide exposure with a human patient simulator 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Anthropometric evaluations of body composition of undergraduate students at the University of La Réunion 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- A role for transcription factor NF-B in autoimmunity: possible interactions of genes, sex, and the immune response 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Where's the evidence that active learning works 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Teaching and learning in the interactive classroom 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Teaching aldosterone regulation and basic scientific principles using a classic paper by Dr. James O. Davis and colleagues 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- International student exchange and the medical curriculum: evaluation of a medical sciences translational physiology course in Brazil 《生理学进展》 2006-11-14
- Redefining classroom instruction 《生理学进展》 2006-11-14
- Pizza and pasta help students learn metabolism 《生理学进展》 2006-8-7
- Too much teaching, not enough learning: what is the solution? 《生理学进展》 2006-8-7
- What does one mean by "arterial blood oxygenation?" 《生理学进展》 2006-8-7
- Formative assessment can be fun as well as educational 《生理学进展》 2006-8-7
- Resorption of gas trapped in body cavities: comparison of alveolar and pleural space with inner ear and paranasal sinuses 《生理学进展》 2006-8-7
- Teaching the effects of gravity and intravascular and alveolar pressures on the distribution of pulmonary blood flow using a classic paper b 《生理学进展》 2006-8-7
- First-year medical students prefer multiple learning styles 《生理学进展》 2006-8-7
- Toward meaningful learning in undergraduate medical education using concept maps in a PBL pathophysiology course 《生理学进展》 2006-8-7
- Sodium Channel Inactivation: Molecular Determinants and Modulation 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- PKA-Dependent and PKA-Independent Pathways for cAMP-Regulated Exocytosis 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter A1: A Cell Cholesterol Exporter That Protects Against Cardiovascular Disease 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Hormonal Regulation of Food Intake 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Mammalian G Proteins and Their Cell Type Specific Functions 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Molecular Physiology of Cardiac Repolarization 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Regulation of Pancreatic Beta-Cell Mass 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Respiratory Action of the Intercostal Muscles 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Store-Operated Calcium Channels 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Developmental Origins of the Metabolic Syndrome: Prediction, Plasticity, and Programming 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Embryonic Stem Cells: Prospects for Developmental Biology and Cell Therapy 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Links Between Dietary Salt Intake, Renal Salt Handling, Blood Pressure, and Cardiovascular Diseases 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Molecular Physiology and Pathophysiology of Electroneutral Cation-Chloride Cotransporters 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- Ghrelin: Structure and Function 《生理学进展》 2006-10-18
- A novel approach to physiology education for biomedical engineering students 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- What is the ultimate goal in acid-base regulation 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- TK3 eBook software to author, distribute, and use electronic course content for medical education 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Desert Survivors: the design and implementation of a television program to enhance local scientific literacy 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- The membrane and lipids as integral participants in signal transduction: lipid signal transduction for the non-lipid biochemist 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Sex and the cardiovascular system: the intriguing tale of how women and men regulate cardiovascular function differently 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- The strong-inference protocol: not just for grant proposals 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Peer instruction enhanced student performance on qualitative problem-solving questions 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Staff and student perceptions of computer-assisted assessment for physiology practical classes 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Promoting self-directed learning using a menu of assessment options: the investment model 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- Elementary education majors experience hands-on learning in introductory biology 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10
- It's difficult to change the way we teach: lessons from the Integrative Themes in Physiology curriculum module project 《生理学进展》医学期刊 2007-4-10