☉ 11168051:RanBP3 enhances nuclear export of active -catenin
☉ 11168052:A novel role for the CBF3 kinetochore–scaffold com
☉ 11168053:Repair of double-strand breaks by nonhomologous en
☉ 11168054:Mutants in trs120 disrupt traffic from the early e
☉ 11168055:Dendritic BC1 RNA in translational control mechani
☉ 11168056:Nesprin-3, a novel outer nuclear membrane protein,
☉ 11168057:Subcellular targeting of oxidants during endotheli
☉ 11168058:Self-organization of an acentrosomal microtubule n
☉ 11168059:Cellular basis of urothelial squamous metaplasia :
☉ 11168060:Expression of mutant huntingtin in glial cells con
☉ 11168061:Influences on neural lineage and mode of division
☉ 11168062:Mutational analyses reveal a novel function of the
☉ 11168063:Distinct roles of Akt1 and Akt2 in regulating cell
☉ 11168064:Raf-1 sets the threshold of Fas sensitivity by mod
☉ 11168065:41-dependent adhesion strengthening under mechanic
☉ 11168066:The mammalian Scribble polarity protein regulates
☉ 11168067:Desmoplakin assembly dynamics in four dimensions :
☉ 11168068:Reduced Apaf-1 levels in cardiomyocytes engage str
☉ 11168069:汪履秋教授治疗痹证经验
☉ 11168070:Regulation of Sar1 NH2 terminus by GTP binding and
☉ 11168071:Tricellulin constitutes a novel barrier at tricell
☉ 11168072:Keratin 8 overexpression promotes mouse Mallory bo
☉ 11168073:桃核承气汤化裁辅助西医治疗对卵巢上皮性癌患者血清CA125水平及化疗副作用的影响
☉ 11168074:风池穴位注射治疗颈性眩晕74例疗效观察
☉ 11168075:Ubiquitin/SUMO modification of PCNA promotes repli
☉ 11168076:息风化痰通腑汤合醒脑静注射液治疗急性脑出血疗效观察
☉ 11168077:密骨补肾丸治疗绝经后骨质疏松症疗效观察
☉ 11168078:健脾止泻灵汤治疗小儿肠吸收不良综合征疗效观察
☉ 11168079:The mobile nucleoporin Nup2p and chromatin-bound P
☉ 11168080:清瘀通络汤合脉络宁注射液通液治疗输卵管阻塞不孕30例
☉ 11168081:Transition from hemifusion to pore opening is rate
☉ 11168082:Yeast phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, Pik1, has ess
☉ 11168083:中西医结合治疗儿童髋关节滑膜嵌顿症16例
☉ 11168084:三棱针挑刺配合体针治疗神经性皮炎64例
☉ 11168085:中西医结合治疗感染致骨髓受抑17例临床观察
☉ 11168086:p53 functions as a negative regulator of osteoblas
☉ 11168087:当归茴香汤治疗精液不化32例
☉ 11168088:Seeing is believing A beginners' guide to practica
☉ 11168089:Myc regulates keratinocyte adhesion and differenti
☉ 11168090:Bcl-2 differentially regulates Ca2+ signals accord
☉ 11168091:通脉汤治疗椎-基底动脉供血不足眩晕76例疗效观察
☉ 11168092:Xorbit/CLASP links dynamic microtubules to chromos
☉ 11168093:辨 证 论 治 婴 儿 湿 疹 81 例
☉ 11168094:Endothelial FAK is essential for vascular network
☉ 11168095:Coupling of the nucleus and cytoplasm : role of th
☉ 11168096:Nuclear congression is driven by cytoplasmic micro
☉ 11168097:Embryonic stem cells assume a primitive neural ste
☉ 11168098:Dynamics of the peroxisomal import cycle of PpPex2
☉ 11168099:The yeast lgl family member Sro7p is an effector o
☉ 11168100:Distinct roles for Pax7 and Pax3 in adult regenera

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