☉ 11200901:High Analytical Sensitivity and Low Rates of Inhib
☉ 11200902:Emergence of a New Norovirus Genotype II.4 Variant
☉ 11200903:Activities of Micafungin against 315 Invasive Clin
☉ 11200904:Absence of Helicobacter pylori within the Oral Cav
☉ 11200905:Nasopharyngeal versus Oropharyngeal Sampling for I
☉ 11200906:Capnocytophaga canimorsus Mycotic Abdominal Aortic
☉ 11200907:Bead-Based Multiplex Genotyping of Human Papilloma
☉ 11200908:血液光量子疗法对急性白血病患者血小板相关抗体产生的影响
☉ 11200909:接骨胶囊的质量标准研究
☉ 11200910:Application of Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis To
☉ 11200911:Comparison of Two Commercially Available DNA Line
☉ 11200912:Comparison of Serum Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA an
☉ 11200913:Comparison of Physician- and Self-Collected Genita
☉ 11200914:Detection of Six Copies of the Capsulation b Locus
☉ 11200915:Correlation of Disease Severity with Fecal Toxin L
☉ 11200916:Comparison of Two Commercially Available DNA Line
☉ 11200917:Endocarditis Caused by Cardiobacterium valvarum
☉ 11200918:Emergence of a Clinical Daptomycin-Resistant Staph
☉ 11200919:Direct Detection of Cardiobacterium hominis in Ser
☉ 11200920:Etiologic Diagnosis of Adult Bacterial Pneumonia b
☉ 11200921:Epidemiological and Genetic Correlates of Severe A
☉ 11200922:Environmental Monitoring for Gastroenteric Viruses
☉ 11200923:Extensive Hospital-Wide Spread of a Multidrug-Resi
☉ 11200924:Evaluation of the New GenoType Mycobacterium Assay
☉ 11200925:Evaluation of the Invader Assay for Genotyping Hep
☉ 11200926:Group O Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infect
☉ 11200927:Genotyping Measles Virus by Real-Time Amplificatio
☉ 11200928:False-Positive Amplified Mycobacterium Tuberculosi
☉ 11200929:Influence of Anti-FloR Antibody on Florfenicol Acc
☉ 11200930:Identification of Cpgp40/15 Type Ib as the Predomi
☉ 11200931:High Interlaboratory Reproducibility of DNA Sequen
☉ 11200932:Locus-Specific Mutational Events in a Multilocus V
☉ 11200933:Isolation of Corynebacterium tuscaniae sp. nov. fr
☉ 11200934:Influence of Anti-FloR Antibody on Florfenicol Acc
☉ 11200935:Molecular Identification of Zygomycetes from Cultu
☉ 11200936:Molecular Epidemiology of Leishmania (Viannia) guy
☉ 11200937:Molecular Analysis of an Echovirus 3 Strain Isolat
☉ 11200938:Neisseria bacilliformis sp. nov. Isolated from Hum
☉ 11200939:Multilocus Microsatellite Typing as a New Tool for
☉ 11200940:Multilocus Genotyping of Cryptosporidium sp. Isola
☉ 11200941:Partial Nucleotide Sequencing of the mecA Genes of
☉ 11200942:Prospective Comparison of a New Chromogenic Medium
☉ 11200943:Occurrence and Kinetics of False-Positive Aspergil
☉ 11200944:Purified Excreted-Secreted Antigens from Trypanoso
☉ 11200945:Proximal Region of the Gene Encoding Cytadherence-
☉ 11200946:Performance of MRSA ID, a New Chromogenic Medium f
☉ 11200947:Real-Time PCR Quantification of Genital Shedding o
☉ 11200948:Rapid Susceptibility Testing of Medically Importan
☉ 11200949:Rapid Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beij
☉ 11200950:Results of the First World Health Organization Int

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