☉ 11273801:应用儿心量表对深圳市罗湖社区458名(8~12个月)婴儿大运动发育的检测结果与分析
☉ 11273802:口腔矫治器治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征效果观察
☉ 11273803:天仙子外敷加绷带固定治疗耳廓假性囊肿的疗效观察
☉ 11273804:阿托品在重度有机磷中毒急救中的用量研究
☉ 11273805:新生儿游泳50例临床观察
☉ 11273806:中西医结合治疗小儿急性黄疸型肝炎96例临床观察
☉ 11273807:床边纤支镜在危重患者气道管理中的应用
☉ 11273808:静舒氧治疗急性脑血管意外40例疗效观察
☉ 11273809:阿魏酸钠治疗糖尿病周围神经病变43例
☉ 11273810:复方黄柏液阴道棉栓对久治不愈阴道切口的疗效观察
☉ 11273811:宫腔镜治疗异常子宫出血61例分析
☉ 11273812:米索前列醇防治妊高征产后出血的临床观察
☉ 11273813:中西医结合治疗IgA肾病23例疗效观察
☉ 11273814:肺曲霉菌病外科治疗的体会
☉ 11273815:再手术治疗复发性结节性甲状腺肿43例体会
☉ 11273816:前列腺增生症合并膀胱结石48例治疗体会
☉ 11273817:留置针3种不同封管法预防静脉炎等并发症的效果观察
☉ 11273818:阿托伐他汀与辛伐他汀治疗高脂血症的疗效比较
☉ 11273819:子宫肌瘤剔除术285例临床分析
☉ 11273820:微创钻孔引流清除颅脑损伤硬膜外血肿32例
☉ 11273821:119例妊娠期子宫发育异常B超检测的准确性分析
☉ 11273822:The Extraordinary Hope of Antiretroviral Therapy in South Africa (Even for Patients with Tuberculosis or Kaposi Sarcoma!)
☉ 11273823:Dual Infection of Infants by Human Metapneumovirus and Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Is Strongly Associated with Severe Bronchiolitis
☉ 11273824:注射式隆乳术后哺乳期急性乳腺炎15例诊治分析
☉ 11273825:Ether Lipid-Ester Prodrugs of Acyclic Nucleoside Phosphonates: Activity against Adenovirus Replication In Vitro
☉ 11273826:Immune and Functional Role of Nitric Oxide in a Mouse Model of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection
☉ 11273827:Late Treatment with a Protective AntigenDirected Monoclonal Antibody Improves Hemodynamic Function and Survival in a Lethal ToxinInfused Rat
☉ 11273828:Malaria-Filaria Coinfection in Mice Makes Malarial Disease More Severe unless Filarial Infection Achieves Patency
☉ 11273829:Transcriptome Profiles of Host Gene Expression in a Monkey Model of Human Malaria
☉ 11273830:Inhibition of p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Ameliorates Cytokine Up-Regulated Shigatoxin-1 Toxicity in Human Brain Microvascular Endo
☉ 11273831:Intracellular Macrophage Growth Rates and Cytokine Profiles of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains with Different Transmission Dynamics
☉ 11273832:The Clonality of Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Carriage
☉ 11273833:Intravital Fluorescence Microscopy: A Novel Tool for the Study of the Interaction of Staphylococcus aureus with the Microvascular Endotheliu
☉ 11273834:Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Impair In Vivo Interferon- Responsiveness via Diminished Receptor Signaling
☉ 11273835:Therapeutic Response of HIV-1 Subtype C in African Patients Coinfected with either Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Human Herpesvirus8
☉ 11273836:Importance of gls24 in Virulence and Stress Response of Enterococcus faecalis and Use of the Gls24 Protein as a Possible Immunotherapy Targe
☉ 11273837:Low-Level Viremia and Proviral DNA Impede Immune Reconstitution in HIV-1Infected Patients Receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
☉ 11273838:Predictors of HIV Drug-Resistance Mutations in a Large Antiretroviral-Naive Cohort Initiating Triple Antiretroviral Therapy
☉ 11273839:Contribution of HIV-1 Infection to Acquisition of Sexually Transmitted Disease: A 10-Year Prospective Study
☉ 11273840:Smallpox Vaccine Does Not Protect Macaques with AIDS from a Lethal Monkeypox Virus Challenge
☉ 11273841:Persistence of Kaposi SarcomaAssociated Herpesvirus (KSHV)Infected Cells in KSHV/HIV-1Coinfected Subjects without KSHV-Associated Diseases
☉ 11273842:Influence of Sex Hormones, HIV Status, and Concomitant Sexually Transmitted Infection on Cervicovaginal Inflammation
☉ 11273843:Female-to-Male Infectivity of HIV-1 among Circumcised and Uncircumcised Kenyan Men
☉ 11273844:Coronaviruses in the Limelight
☉ 11273845:Distribution of Varicella-Zoster Virus DNA and Gene Products in Tissues of a First-Trimester Varicella-Infected Fetus
☉ 11273846:Expression of Tumor Necrosis FactorRelated Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand and Its Proapoptotic Receptors Is Down-Regulated during Gastric Infecti
☉ 11273847:Serologic Correlates of Protection against Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Diarrhea
☉ 11273848:Antimicrobial-Resistant Nontyphoidal Salmonella Is Associated with Excess Bloodstream Infections and Hospitalizations
☉ 11273849:Bartonella quintana in a 4000-Year-Old Human Tooth
☉ 11273850:Impact of Vancomycin Resistance on Mortality among Patients with Neutropenia and Enterococcal Bloodstream Infection

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