☉ 11306951:Chest radiography in children aged 2-59 months diagnosed with non-severe pneumonia as defined by World Health Organization: descriptive mult
☉ 11306952:Randomised controlled trial of a short course of traditional acupuncture compared with usual care for persistent non-specific low back pain
☉ 11306953:Diagnostic accuracy of clinical examination for detection of non-cephalic presentation in late pregnancy: cross sectional analytic study
☉ 11306954:Medical outcome after immediate computed tomography or admission for observation in patients with mild head injury: randomised controlled tr
☉ 11306955:Post-infective and chronic fatigue syndromes precipitated by viral and non-viral pathogens: prospective cohort study
☉ 11306956:Family size, fertility preferences, and sex ratio in China in the era of the one child family policy: results from national family planning
☉ 11306957:Spironolactone and risk of upper gastrointestinal events: population based case-control study
☉ 11306958:Case finding for patients at risk of readmission to hospital: development of algorithm to identify high risk patients
☉ 11306959:Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting by metoclopramide combined with dexamethasone: randomised double blind multicentre trial
☉ 11306960:A randomised controlled trial of management strategies for acute infective conjunctivitis in general practice
☉ 11306961:Health professionals' and service users' interpretation of screening test results: experimental study
☉ 11306962:Mortality after Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia in two hospitals in Oxfordshire, 1997-2003: cohort study
☉ 11306963:中西医结合治疗股骨颈骨折64例疗效观察
☉ 11306964:Meta-analysis of frusemide to prevent or treat acute renal failure
☉ 11306965:Developing a quality criteria framework for patient decision aids: online international Delphi consensus process
☉ 11306966:Systematic reviews of diagnostic tests in cancer: review of methods and reporting
☉ 11306967:三种检测孕妇红细胞血型IgG抗A(B)效价方法的比较
☉ 11306968:巧用茂菲氏管预防玻璃扎伤
☉ 11306969:Environmental tobacco smoke and mortality in Chinese women who have never smoked: prospective cohort study
☉ 11306970:Are antibiotics effective for acute purulent rhinitis Systematic review and meta-analysis of placebo controlled randomised trials
☉ 11306971:Clinical effectiveness of treatment with hyperbaric oxygen for neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy: systematic review of Chinese liter
☉ 11306972:利用VTK实现医学CT图像三维可视化
☉ 11306973:微柱凝胶法在鉴定血型和交叉配血中的应用
☉ 11306974:组织移植的手术配合
☉ 11306975:支气管镜下小儿气管异物取出术的护理
☉ 11306976:早期干预对脑梗死患者肢体功能康复的影响
☉ 11306977:游泳对新生儿体重和皮肤胆红素的影响
☉ 11306978:眼底血管造影术中荧光素钠的注射速度与副反应相关因素的探讨
☉ 11306979:血液透析患者的心理状况与护理对策
☉ 11306980:胸腔镜下胸膜闭锁的手术配合
☉ 11306981:胸腔镜辅助小切口行肺叶切除术的手术护理
☉ 11306982:心理护理对急性白血病化疗患者心理状态的影响
☉ 11306983:消化道肿瘤大剂量5-Fu微泵化疗中的应用体会
☉ 11306984:下肢骨折术后留置尿管患者排尿功能的影响
☉ 11306985:吻合器环状痔切除术的配合体会
☉ 11306986:舒适护理在肠镜检查中的应用
☉ 11306987:手术中手套缺损情况的调查及对策
☉ 11306988:手术器械消毒处理存在的问题与对策
☉ 11306989:肾移植患者出院随访的实施
☉ 11306990:射频消融术治疗快速心律失常的护理
☉ 11306991:乳腺癌改良根治术同期腹直肌肌皮瓣转移再造乳房的手术配合
☉ 11306992:妊娠并发心脏病58例护理
☉ 11306993:前列腺增生症患者情感障碍原因分析与护理对策
☉ 11306994:牵引配合手法治疗腰椎间盘突出的康复指导
☉ 11306995:慢性前列腺炎患者的心理护理
☉ 11306996:狼疮性肾炎患者的影响
☉ 11306997:康复训练对脊髓损伤后SEP 的变化及功能恢复的影响
☉ 11306998:经桡动脉途径行冠脉介入治疗术患者护理干预的效果评价
☉ 11306999:经鼻腔内窥镜垂体腺瘤切除术的围手术期护理
☉ 11307000:患者发生应激性精神异常的护理体会

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