☉ 11353651:妇女更年期保健的新进展
☉ 11353652:晚期产后出血48例的临床分析
☉ 11353653:妊娠30~34周胎膜早破的期待疗法(附6例报告)
☉ 11353654:宫腔纱条填塞术在剖宫产术中的应用
☉ 11353655:唯阴康治疗宫颈糜烂80例
☉ 11353656:尼尔雌醇在绝经后妇女取环中的应用体会
☉ 11353657:米索前列醇用于绝经后妇女取节育器术50例临床分析
☉ 11353658:稽留流产与支原体感染的关系
☉ 11353659:人工流产术后宫腔粘连79例临床分析
☉ 11353660:米非司酮配伍依沙吖啶终止孕17~26周妊娠的疗效观察
☉ 11353661:米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止妊娠11~13周未产妇钳刮术中的应用
☉ 11353662:无痛人流术160例临床分析
☉ 11353663:改良式下腹横切口在妇科手术中临床观察
☉ 11353664:波姆光治疗宫颈糜烂346例临床报告
☉ 11353665:浅谈宫颈病变
☉ 11353666:提高会阴切口愈合的探讨
☉ 11353667:缩宫素静脉滴注加安定静脉注射引产49例分析
☉ 11353668:头位梗阻性难产的临床诊断及产程特点分析
☉ 11353669:罗哌卡因用于分娩镇痛34例临床分析
☉ 11353670:Step-by-Step Pediatric Echocardiography
☉ 11353671:Pedscapes
☉ 11353672:Clippings
☉ 11353673:News in Brief
☉ 11353674:Presence of Thyroid Antibodies in a Child with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
☉ 11353675:Tibial Hemimelia-Split Hand/Foot Syndrome with Rare Anomalies
☉ 11353676:Acute Lead Encephalopathy with Optic Neuropathy
☉ 11353677:Intraventricular Migration of an Entire VP Shunt
☉ 11353678:Diabetes Mellitus in Neurofibromatosis I: An Unusual Presentation
☉ 11353679:Risk Factors for Obesity in Children
☉ 11353680:Factors Precipitating Breakthrough Seizures in Well-controlled Epilepsy
☉ 11353681:A Rare Cause of Congestive Heart Failure in Newborn
☉ 11353682:Neonatal Hyperparathyroidism: Adenoma or Mutation
☉ 11353683:Marshall Syndrome
☉ 11353684:Hallerman-Streiff Syndrome
☉ 11353685:Primary Hyperoxaluria Type-1: An Unprecedented Presentation at Birth
☉ 11353686:Isolated Unilateral Pulmonary Agenesis
☉ 11353687:Vaccination Strategies for the Last Stages of Global Polio Eradication
☉ 11353688:IAP Workshop on Safe Injection Practices: Recommendations and IAP Plan of Action
☉ 11353689:Effect of Deferiprone on Urinary Zinc Excretion in Multiply Transfused Children with Thalassemia Major
☉ 11353690:References in Indian Pediatrics: Authors Need to be Accurate
☉ 11353691:Cardiac Dysfunction in HIV Infected Children : A Pilot Study
☉ 11353692:Sexual Abuse of Street Children Brought to an Observation Home
☉ 11353693:Analysis of Polymorphisms in the Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase Gene: Association with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Indian Childre
☉ 11353694:Analysis of Polymorphisms in the Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase Gene: Association with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Indian Childre
☉ 11353695:Analysis of Polymorphisms in the Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase Gene: Association with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Indian Childre
☉ 11353696:Endoscopic Variceal Ligation Using Multiband Ligator
☉ 11353697:XXXXII National Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Kolkata, January 6, 2005
☉ 11353698:Acting Upon Evidence: Progress Towards The Elimination of Unsafe Injection Practices in India
☉ 11353699:Rudolph’s Pediatrics
☉ 11353700:Clippings
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页面最后生成日期:2007-2-3 14:11:15