☉ 11331401:Dopaminergic neurons generated from monkey embryonic stem cells function in a Parkinson primate model
☉ 11331402:Oncogenic AKAP9-BRAF fusion is a novel mechanism of MAPK pathway activation in thyroid cancer
☉ 11331403:SDF-1 is both necessary and sufficient to promote proliferative retinopathy
☉ 11331404:Identification of cellular deoxyhypusine synthase as a novel target for antiretroviral therapy
☉ 11331405:Selective depletion of macrophages reveals distinct, opposing roles during liver injury and repair
☉ 11331406:Human intestinal macrophages display profound inflammatory anergy despite avid phagocytic and bacteriocidal activity
☉ 11331407:Distinct organ-specific metastatic potential of individual breast cancer cells and primary tumors
☉ 11331408:A protective role for the A1 adenosine receptor in adenosine-dependent pulmonary injury
☉ 11331409:Stay tuned to PXR: an orphan actor that may not be D-structive only to bone
☉ 11331410:SDF-1 tells stem cells to mind their P’s and Z’s
☉ 11331411:Mac the knife Macrophages– the double-edged sword of hepatic fibrosis
☉ 11331412:Immune complexes as therapy for autoimmunity
☉ 11331413:The promise of stem cells in Parkinson disease
☉ 11331414:A new mechanism of BRAF activation in human thyroid papillary carcinomas
☉ 11331415:CaV2.3 channel and PKC: new players in insulin secretion
☉ 11331416:A1 antagonism in asthma: better than coffee?
☉ 11331417:Regeneration of the pancreatic cell
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☉ 11331427:临床教学中三个理念的建立及教学方法改革探讨
☉ 11331428:先天性下直肌缺如1例
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☉ 11331432:肥厚性硬脑膜炎1例
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☉ 11331436:HCG肌肉注射致卵巢过度刺激综合征2例
☉ 11331437:以腹水为主要表现的非霍奇金淋巴瘤1例
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☉ 11331441:急性脑梗死患者患侧及健侧肢体静脉输液与静脉渗漏及静脉炎关系研究
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