☉ 11331851:A primate virus generates transformed human cells by fusion
☉ 11331852:2005年白沙县居民户碘盐监测结果分析
☉ 11331853:IGF-I increases bone marrow contribution to adult skeletal muscle and enhances the fusion of myelomonocytic precursors
☉ 11331854:MyoD induces myogenic differentiation through cooperation of its NH2- and COOH-terminal regions
☉ 11331855:2002~2004年平顶山市STD流行趋势分析
☉ 11331856:Localization of MMR proteins on meiotic chromosomes in mice indicates distinct functions during prophase I
☉ 11331857:Traffic of Kv4 K+ channels mediated by KChIP1 is via a novel post-ER vesicular pathway
☉ 11331858:198株解脲支原体的检出及药敏结果分析
☉ 11331859:Centrobin : a novel daughter centriole–associated protein that is required for centriole duplication
☉ 11331860:Phosphorylation by Cdk1 induces Plk1-mediated vimentin phosphorylation during mitosis
☉ 11331861:海南省白纹伊蚊、埃及伊蚊对菊酯类杀虫剂的敏感性测定
☉ 11331862:Complete maturation of the plastid protein translocation channel requires a type I signal peptidase
☉ 11331863:How does the TOM complex mediate insertion of precursor proteins into the mitochondrial outer membrane
☉ 11331864:Spying on IgE receptor signaling : simply complex, or not
☉ 11331865:海口市登革热媒介伊蚊分布与密度变迁情况分析
☉ 11331866:Cytoplasmic dynein nomenclature
☉ 11331867:Retinal ganglion cell degeneration is topological but not cell type specific in DBA/2J mice
☉ 11331868:竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用研究
☉ 11331869:The mechanisms and dynamics of v3 integrin clustering in living cells
☉ 11331870:西洋参含片安全性的实验研究
☉ 11331871:Cell surface counter receptors are essential components of the unconventional export machinery of galectin-1
☉ 11331872:Spatial and temporal regulation of cofilin activity by LIM kinase and Slingshot is critical for directional cell migration
☉ 11331873:微柱凝胶技术检测孕妇血型抗体效价的研究
☉ 11331874:Merlin/NF-2 mediates contact inhibition of growth by suppressing recruitment of Rac to the plasma membrane
☉ 11331875:Mitogen-inducible gene 6 is an endogenous inhibitor of HGF/Met-induced cell migration and neurite growth
☉ 11331876:糖尿病并发脑梗死患者医院感染危险因素分析
☉ 11331877:Activation of GSK-3 and phosphorylation of CRMP2 in transgenic mice expressing APP intracellular domain
☉ 11331878:Termination of cAMP signals by Ca2+ and Gi via extracellular Ca2+ sensors : a link to intracellular Ca2+ oscillations
☉ 11331879:石英接尘者红细胞膜GSH-px活性影响因素的多元回归分析
☉ 11331880:Termination of cAMP signals by Ca2+ and Gi via extracellular Ca2+ sensors : a link to intracellular Ca2+ oscillations
☉ 11331881:The role of Fis1p–Mdv1p interactions in mitochondrial fission complex assembly
☉ 11331882:深圳市不同人群和鸡群感染禽流感病毒H 9 N 2 亚型状况研究
☉ 11331883:Large-scale translocation reversal within the thylakoid Tat system in vivo
☉ 11331884:A complex containing the Sm protein CAR-1 and the RNA helicase CGH-1 is required for embryonic cytokinesis in Caenorhabditis elegans
☉ 11331885:清远市不同人群丙型肝炎感染的流行病学调查
☉ 11331886:Regulation of meiotic prophase arrest in mouse oocytes by GPR3, a constitutive activator of the Gs G protein
☉ 11331887:Recombination protein Tid1p controls resolution of cohesin-dependent linkages in meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
☉ 11331888:牛鼻腔分泌物非结核分支杆菌分离培养结果分析
☉ 11331889:Mechanisms for focusing mitotic spindle poles by minus end–directed motor proteins
☉ 11331890:Analysis of the Xenopus Werner syndrome protein in DNA double-strand break repair
☉ 11331891:灵芝孢子油软胶囊对小鼠免疫功能调节的研究
☉ 11331892:Mechanical force mobilizes zyxin from focal adhesions to actin filaments and regulates cytoskeletal reinforcement
☉ 11331893:Melanophilin and myosin Va track the microtubule plus end on EB1
☉ 11331894:抗弓形虫感染ROP2核酸疫苗的研究
☉ 11331895:TIP maker and TIP marker; EB1 as a master controller of microtubule plus ends
☉ 11331896:Inhibition of cell movement and proliferation by cell–cell contact-induced interaction of Necl-5 with nectin-3
☉ 11331897:黑龙江省新生儿卡介苗接种质量的监测与评价
☉ 11331898:Integrin-dependent actomyosin contraction regulates epithelial cell scattering
☉ 11331899:Light-regulated interaction of Dmoesin with TRP and TRPL channels is required for maintenance of photoreceptors
☉ 11331900:国产和进口人用纯化Vero狂犬疫苗的免疫效果研究

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