☉ 11366401:Polio Eradication: Let us Face the Facts and Accept the Reality
☉ 11366402:Tobacco use Among School Students in India: The Need for Behavioral Ch
☉ 11366403:Bilateral Communicating Intralobar Pulmonary Sequestration
☉ 11366404:Reply
☉ 11366405:Role of Shunt Surgery in Pediatric Tubercular Meningitis with Hydrocep
☉ 11366406:Diagnostic Adrenal Dysfunction in Thalassemic Children: A Note of Caut
☉ 11366407:Clippings
☉ 11366408:Reply
☉ 11366409:Biology versus Environment in Low Birth Weight Children
☉ 11366410:Tobacco use Among Children in India: A Burgeoning Epidemic
☉ 11366411:Practical Approach to Respiratory Diseases
☉ 11366412:Additional Markers to Refine the World Health Organization Algorithm f
☉ 11366413:National Rural Health Mission (NRHM): Will it make a Difference
☉ 11366414:Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
☉ 11366415:Bereavement Management in Pediatric Intensive Care Units
☉ 11366416:Concomitant Use of Insulin Glargine and NPH in Type I Diabetes
☉ 11366417:Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-1 Infected Children
☉ 11366418:carlet Fever
☉ 11366419:Acrodysostosis: Autosomal Dominant Transmission
☉ 11366420:Ensuring Correctness of Bone Marrow Reports in Infants: Role of the Pe
☉ 11366421:Valproate-induced Bleeding: Report of Two Cases and Review of Literatu
☉ 11366422:Nevus Spilus
☉ 11366423:Television and Suicidal Behavior
☉ 11366424:Megalocornea–Mental Retardation Syndrome
☉ 11366425:Immunization Status of Infants in Kargil
☉ 11366426:Fatal Rabies Despite Appropriate Post-exposure Prophylaxis
☉ 11366427:Acute Nephritis Complicating Coxsackie B Infection
☉ 11366428:Immunization Status of Infants in Kargil
☉ 11366429:Polytransfused Children with Beta Thalassemia Major have Wider Endocri
☉ 11366430:Fluid Resuscitation in Septic Shock
☉ 11366431:Reply
☉ 11366432:Polytransfused Children with Beta Thalassemia Major have Wider Endocri
☉ 11366433:Tobacco use Among Students in Orissa and Uttar Pradesh
☉ 11366434:Reply
☉ 11366435:Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) - Delhi
☉ 11366436:Reply
☉ 11366437:Pancreatic Disease in Children
☉ 11366438:Pedscapes
☉ 11366439:News in Brief
☉ 11366440:复方雪胆口服液治疗胆汁反流性胃炎的临床疗效观察
☉ 11366441:Guha’s Neonatology: Principles and Practice
☉ 11366442:Clippings
☉ 11366443:静脉使用甘露醇辅助治疗急性胰腺炎
☉ 11366444:阿米替林治疗溃疡性结肠炎1例
☉ 11366445:血尿酸与胰岛素抵抗的相关性分析
☉ 11366446:轻型颅脑损伤患者55例EEG、BEAM与CT对比分析
☉ 11366447:儿童葡萄球菌烫伤样皮肤综合征93例临床分析
☉ 11366448:变应性鼻炎的中西医治疗概况
☉ 11366449:糖尿病肾病发病及诊疗的新认识
☉ 11366450:急性失血性休克227例病人的麻醉处理
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