☉ 10620601:复发性尖锐湿疣的原因探讨
☉ 10620602:口服强力霉素预防钩端螺旋体病现场研究
☉ 10620603:CD28 Costimulation Is Required for In Vivo Induction of Peripheral Tolerance in CD8 T Cells
☉ 10620604:急性胰腺炎的护理与体会
☉ 10620605:小横切口治疗小儿腹股沟斜疝
☉ 10620606:CD4+CD25+ TR Cells Suppress Innate Immune Pathology Through Cytokine-dependent Mechanisms
☉ 10620607:涵江区实施世界银行贷款/英国赠款中国结核病控制项目效果分析
☉ 10620608:4年住院死亡病例死因分析
☉ 10620609:子宫颈癌患者出院后的康复指导
☉ 10620610:Critical Role of the Carboxyl Terminus of Proline-rich Tyrosine Kinase (Pyk2) in the Activation of Human Neutrophils by Tumor Necrosis FactorSeparatio
☉ 10620611:Enhanced B Cell Expansion, Survival, and Humoral Responses by Targeting Death Receptor 6
☉ 10620612:朝阳县中小学生HBsAg检测结果分析
☉ 10620613:Mycobacteria Target DC-SIGN to Suppress Dendritic Cell Function
☉ 10620614:浅议新形势下的门诊药房管理
☉ 10620615:Natural Killer Cell Inhibitory Receptors Block Actin Cytoskeleton-dependent Recruitment of 2B4 (CD244) to Lipid Rafts
☉ 10620616:Negative Regulation of T Cell Receptor–Lipid Raft Interaction by Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte–associated Antigen 4
☉ 10620617:A Crucial Role of Glycoprotein VI for Platelet Recruitment to the Injured Arterial Wall In Vivo
☉ 10620618:Positive Selection of Anti–Thy-1 Autoreactive B-1 Cells and Natural Serum Autoantibody Production Independent from Bone Marrow B Cell Development
☉ 10620619:浅谈大学生心理疾病的成因与防治
☉ 10620620:我院外科病人抗生素使用调查和分析
☉ 10620621:A Single Amino Acid Alteration in Cytoplasmic Domain Determines IL-2 Promoter Activation by Ligation of CD28 but Not Inducible Costimulator (ICOS)
☉ 10620622:Differential Regulation of Cathepsin S and Cathepsin L in Interferon –treated Macrophages
☉ 10620623:雌激素治疗绝经后妇女高尿酸血症疗效观察(附32例报告)
☉ 10620624:DNA Methylation Maintains Allele-specific KIR Gene Expression in Human Natural Killer Cells
☉ 10620625:Expression of ICOS In Vivo Defines CD4+ Effector T Cells with High Inflammatory Potential and a Strong Bias for Secretion of Interleukin 10
☉ 10620626:药物仪器分析数据库查询系统设计与应用
☉ 10620627:Human T Cell Receptor Cells Recognize Endogenous Mevalonate Metabolites in Tumor Cells
☉ 10620628:医院的人性化服务的几点思考
☉ 10620629:Inhibition of Interleukin 1 Receptor/Toll-like Receptor Signaling through the Alternatively Spliced, Short Form of MyD88 Is Due to Its Failure to Recr
☉ 10620630:Malaria Blood Stage Suppression of Liver Stage Immunity by Dendritic Cells
☉ 10620631:门诊病人投诉原因分析及防范对策
☉ 10620632:改良T管冲洗在胆道外科的应用
☉ 10620633:Unique Resistance of I/LnJ Mice to a Retrovirus Is Due to Sustained Interferon –dependent Production of Virus-neutralizing Antibodies
☉ 10620634:如何防范护患纠纷
☉ 10620635:病案管理与举证责任倒置
☉ 10620636:羊膜移植治疗结膜鳞状上皮乳头状瘤1例报告
☉ 10620637:股方肌肌骨瓣移植治疗青壮年有移位的股骨颈骨折的临床观察
☉ 10620638:An Evolutionarily Conserved Form of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Coordinates Energy and Reproductive Behavior
☉ 10620639:医院药学部质量管理模式与现状的探讨
☉ 10620640:上皮性卵巢癌组织P-gp、GST-π、Topo-Ⅱ表达与ATP肿瘤体外药敏试验的关系
☉ 10620641:Anandamide Activity and Degradation Are Regulated by Early Postnatal Aging and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone in Mouse Sertoli Cells
☉ 10620642:骨髓小粒细胞团对再障、MDS(RA)鉴别诊断的观察
☉ 10620643:Androgen Receptors in Gonadotrophs in Pituitary Cultures from Adult Male Monkeys and Rats
☉ 10620644:Acute keratoconus with perforation in a patient with Down’s syndrome
☉ 10620645:琥珀酸氢化考的松静滴控制儿童哮喘急性发作疗效观察
☉ 10620646:32 +3 周妊娠死胎胎盘植入1例报告
☉ 10620647:残角子宫妊娠误诊继后破裂大出血1例
☉ 10620648:环状胎盘并中央性前置胎盘1例报告
☉ 10620649:同时发现子宫内膜腺癌及宫颈粘液腺癌1例
☉ 10620650:Adult orbital xanthogranuloma with periosteal infiltration
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