☉ 11297001:输精管结扎术后痛性结节治验
☉ 11297002:四妙散加味治疗慢性盆腔炎疗效观察
☉ 11297003:Serum prorenin levels and diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes: new method to measure serum level of prorenin using antibody activating d
☉ 11297004:"Light" versus "classic" laser treatment for clinically significant diabetic macular oedema
☉ 11297005:Classification of abnormal fundus autofluorescence patterns in the junctional zone of geographic atrophy in patients with age related macula
☉ 11297006:The impact of the Health Technology Board for Scotland’s grading model on referrals to ophthalmology services
☉ 11297007:Digital imaging of the optic nerve head: monoscopic and stereoscopic analysis
☉ 11297008:Expression of growth differentiation factor-5 and bone morphogenic protein-7 in intraocular osseous metaplasia
☉ 11297009:TLRs and NODs mRNA expression pattern in healthy mouse eye
☉ 11297010:Microglial stability and repopulation in the retina
☉ 11297011:The effects of indocyanine green and endoillumination on rabbit retina: an electroretinographic and histological study
☉ 11297012:Subconjunctival corticosteroid injection for the treatment of non-necrotising anterior scleritis
☉ 11297013:Generation of transgenic mice with mild and severe retinal neovascularisation
☉ 11297014:Visual field defect in association with chiasmal migration of intraocular silicone oil
☉ 11297015:Improvement after transvitreal limited arteriovenous crossing manipulation without vitrectomy for complicated branch retinal vein occlusion
☉ 11297016:Finding malignant change in a necrotic choroidal melanocytoma: a clinical challenge
☉ 11297017:Congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium: a clinico-pathological case report
☉ 11297018:"Ecstasy" induced immunosuppression and herpes zoster ophthalmicus
☉ 11297019:Importance of early morning intraocular pressure recording for measurement of diurnal variation of intraocular pressure
☉ 11297020:Morquio syndrome: electron microscopic findings
☉ 11297021:Reversible posterior leucoencephalopathy syndrome: a cause of temporary cortical blindness
☉ 11297022:Autoimmune retinopathy associated with intravesical BCG therapy
☉ 11297023:Optical coherence tomography of the vitreomacular interface in photodynamic therapy
☉ 11297024:Optical coherence tomography in photodynamic therapy
☉ 11297025:Preoperative videotape sessions and patient satisfaction with cataract surgery
☉ 11297026:BJO at a glance
☉ 11297027:RP1 mutations cause autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa
☉ 11297028:From the Library
☉ 11297029:A revolution in Welsh low vision service provision
☉ 11297030:Intravitreal triamcinolone therapy for diabetic macular oedema
☉ 11297032:中草药牙膏受制于配方 洋品牌玩不转中草药牙膏?
☉ 11297037:凤凰卫视中医节目提问:中医能信任吗?
☉ 11297038:看当今中医界如何釜底抽薪
☉ 11297039:心要健康需恬淡虚无
☉ 11297040:从“君臣佐使”看基层中医院的管理缺陷
☉ 11297042:实习归来悟中医
☉ 11297043:资源利用 用药安全 疑难病防治——中医药博士论坛聚焦三大议题
☉ 11297044:利用中医古籍为新药开发索骥
☉ 11297047:完善评价体系 规范研究方法 加强剂量研究——专家为中药新药临床研究“开处方”
☉ 11297048:老中医:能够驾驭毒药是中医的伟大之处

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