☉ 11331801:Subcellular targeting of oxidants during endothelial cell migration
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☉ 11331803:The Rac activator Tiam1 is required for 31-mediated laminin-5 deposition, cell spreading, and cell migration
☉ 11331804:Ral GTPases regulate neurite branching through GAP-43 and the exocyst complex
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☉ 11331812:Mutants in trs120 disrupt traffic from the early endosome to the late Golgi
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☉ 11331817:RanBP3 enhances nuclear export of active -catenin independently of CRM1
☉ 11331818:A novel role for the CBF3 kinetochore–scaffold complex in regulating septin dynamics and cytokinesis
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☉ 11331821:Terminating Wnt signals : a novel nuclear export mechanism targets activated -catenin
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☉ 11331823:Growth factor–induced shedding of syndecan-1 confers glypican-1 dependence on mitogenic responses of cancer cells
☉ 11331824:Ablation of 1 integrin in mammary epithelium reveals a key role for integrin in glandular morphogenesis and differentiation
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☉ 11331826:Specific integrin and chain phosphorylations regulate LFA-1 activation through affinity-dependent and -independent mechanisms
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☉ 11331828:Dissecting independent channel and scaffolding roles of the Drosophila transient receptor potential channel
☉ 11331829:Control of lateral migration and germ cell elimination by the Drosophila melanogaster lipid phosphate phosphatases Wunen and Wunen 2
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☉ 11331831:Pleiotropic effects of FGFR1 on cell proliferation, survival, and migration in a 3D mammary epithelial cell model
☉ 11331832:Androgen-dependent apoptosis in male germ cells is regulated through the proto-oncoprotein Cbl
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☉ 11331834:The cell cycle–apoptosis connection revisited in the adult brain
☉ 11331835:Spore number control and breeding in Saccharomyces cerevisiae : a key role for a self-organizing system
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☉ 11331837:Coordinated transport of phosphorylated amyloid- precursor protein and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase–interacting protein-1
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☉ 11331839:p62/SQSTM1 forms protein aggregates degraded by autophagy and has a protective effect on huntingtin-induced cell death
☉ 11331840:The conserved kinase NHK-1 is essential for mitotic progression and unifying acentrosomal meiotic spindles in Drosophila melanogaster
☉ 11331841:Signal-mediated export of proteins from the malaria parasite to the host erythrocyte
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☉ 11331843:The matrix protein CCN1 (CYR61) induces apoptosis in fibroblasts
☉ 11331844:Drosophila melanogaster Cad99C, the orthologue of human Usher cadherin PCDH15, regulates the length of microvilli
☉ 11331845:CaMKII tethers to L-type Ca2+ channels, establishing a local and dedicated integrator of Ca2+ signals for facilitation
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☉ 11331847:Temporally resolved interactions between antigen-stimulated IgE receptors and Lyn kinase on living cells
☉ 11331848:Excess of Ge over Gqe in vivo prevents dark, spontaneous activity of Drosophila photoreceptors
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☉ 11331850:FAK signaling is critical for ErbB-2/ErbB-3 receptor cooperation for oncogenic transformation and invasion

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