☉ 11447101:Complement Component C3 Mediates Inflammatory Injury Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia
☉ 11447102:A Zebrafish Model of Human Barth Syndrome Reveals the Essential Role of Tafazzin in Cardiac Development and Function
☉ 11447103:Novel Effect of Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein
☉ 11447104:Novel Snake Venom Ligand Dendroaspis Natriuretic Peptide Is Selective for Natriuretic Peptide Receptor-A in Human Heart
☉ 11447105:Elevated Cytosolic Na+ Decreases Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uptake During Excitation-Contraction Coupling and Impairs Energetic Adaptation
☉ 11447106:Dynamic Responses of Single Cardiomyocytes to Graded Ischemia Studied by Oxygen Clamp in On-Chip Picochambers
☉ 11447107:Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Undergo Telomere-Based Senescence in Human Atherosclerosis
☉ 11447108:Paclitaxel Enhances Thrombin-Induced Endothelial Tissue Factor Expression via c-Jun Terminal NH2 Kinase Activation
☉ 11447109:Reduced Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Paralleled With the Increased Angiostatin Expression Resulting From the U
☉ 11447110:Selective Activation of Nuclear Phospholipase D-1 by G Protein–Coupled Receptor Agonists in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
☉ 11447111:Haplotypes of the Caspase-1 Gene, Plasma Caspase-1 Levels, and Cardiovascular Risk
☉ 11447112:Translocation of Connexin 43 to the Inner Mitochondrial Membrane of Cardiomyocytes Through the Heat Shock Protein 90–Dependent TOM
☉ 11447113:Flow-Dependent Remodeling of Small Arteries in Mice Deficient for Tissue-Type Transglutaminase
☉ 11447114:eNOS Gene Therapy Exacerbates Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Diabetes
☉ 11447115:中宁县中小学生营养状况
☉ 11447116:沈阳市第三十一中学学生营养状况
☉ 11447117:韶关市中小学生1995-2005年贫血状况分析
☉ 11447118:洛阳市学生营养不良和肥胖流行趋势
☉ 11447119:九江市2001-2005年中小学生营养状况
☉ 11447120:江苏省中学生饮食行为及其社会经济影响因素分析
☉ 11447121:赤峰市中小学生营养状况
☉ 11447122:补充维生素B2 对女大学生抗氧化能力的影响
☉ 11447123:北京市不同营养状况中学生胰岛素抵抗状况分析
☉ 11447124:重庆市城区流动儿童社会适应情况
☉ 11447125:重庆某医学院学生网络成瘾状况及其影响因素分析
☉ 11447126:中学生生活事件与抑郁的相关性研究
☉ 11447127:新乡医学院学生亚健康现状及对策研究
☉ 11447128:Tumor Necrosis Factor- Induces Endothelial Dysfunction in the Prediabetic Metabolic Syndrome
☉ 11447129:Fatty Acids Attenuate Insulin Regulation of 5'-AMP–Activated Protein Kinase and Insulin Cardioprotection After Ischemia
☉ 11447130:Fatty Acids Attenuate Insulin Regulation of 5'-AMP–Activated Protein Kinase and Insulin Cardioprotection After Ischemia
☉ 11447131:武汉市3340名中小学教师心理亚健康状况及其影响因素
☉ 11447132:Key Role of Kv1 Channels in Vasoregulation
☉ 11447133:Diabetes Promotes Cardiac Stem Cell Aging and Heart Failure, Which Are Prevented by Deletion of the p66shc Gene
☉ 11447134:A Novel -Oxa Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Downregulates the Activation of the IB Kinase/Nuclear Factor B Pathway, Inhibits Expressio
☉ 11447135:我国南方地区中小学生生活质量状况研究
☉ 11447136:Conformation-Specific Blockade of the Integrin GPIIb/IIIa
☉ 11447137:Myostatin Regulates Cardiomyocyte Growth Through Modulation of Akt Signaling
☉ 11447138:上海市大中学生网络成瘾倾向及其影响因素分析
☉ 11447139:Formation of the Venous Pole of the Heart From an Nkx2–5–Negative Precursor Population Requires Tbx18
☉ 11447140:Neural Crest Cells Retain Multipotential Characteristics in the Developing Valves and Label the Cardiac Conduction System
☉ 11447141:青少年重性抑郁障碍的自我意识及其与家庭环境的关系
☉ 11447142:14-3-3 Is a Regulator of the Cardiac Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Nav1.5
☉ 11447143:贫困大学生心理解困体系的构建
☉ 11447144:女大学生焦虑、抑郁与人格特征的相关性研究
☉ 11447145:Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Mediates Hypoxia-Induced TRPC Expression and Elevated Intracellular Ca2+ in Pulmonary Arterial Smooth M
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☉ 11447147:高中女生情绪-社交孤独感与心理健康的关系研究
☉ 11447148:Effects of Congestive Heart Failure on Ca2+ Handling in Skeletal Muscle During Fatigue
☉ 11447149:高氟区儿童血清骨钙素与降钙素含量测定
☉ 11447150:Maximum Phosphorylation of the Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor at Serine-2809 by Protein Kinase A Produces Unique Modifications to Chan

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