☉ 11304201:关于护理配合在麻醉中重要性的实践与探讨
☉ 11304202:Teaching of cultural diversity in medical schools in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland: cross sectional questionnaire survey
☉ 11304203:Effectiveness of helmets in skiers and snowboarders: case-control and case crossover study
☉ 11304204:Discussing randomised clinical trials of cancer therapy: evaluation of a Cancer Research UK training programme
☉ 11304205:Association between suicide attempts and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: systematic review of randomised controlled trials
☉ 11304206:儿童呼吸道异物致呼吸道并发症的护理
☉ 11304207:Predicting the risk of repetition after self harm: cohort study
☉ 11304208:Subfecundity and neonatal mortality: longitudinal study within the Danish national birth cohort
☉ 11304209:2例重症河豚鱼中毒患者的护理体会
☉ 11304210:Antidepressant treatment and the risk of fatal and non-fatal self harm in first episode depression: nested case-control study
☉ 11304211:Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and suicide in adults: meta-analysis of drug company data from placebo controlled, randomise
☉ 11304212:Time to review all the evidence for hormone replacement therapy
☉ 11304213:便秘与抗精神病药物的相关性及护理
☉ 11304214:Association between hormone replacement therapy and subsequent stroke: a meta-analysis
☉ 11304215:A support group's perspective
☉ 11304216:妊高征合并胎盘早剥的护理
☉ 11304217:Long term psychological outcome for women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia: cross sectional survey
☉ 11304218:Environmental tobacco smoke and risk of respiratory cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in former smokers and never smokers in
☉ 11304219:门静脉全埋入式药物输注装置化疗护理
☉ 11304220:Randomised controlled trial of conservative management of postnatal urinary and faecal incontinence: six year follow up
☉ 11304221:Incidence of hepatitis C virus and HIV among new injecting drug users in London: prospective cohort study
☉ 11304222:Parents' awareness of overweight in themselves and their children: cross sectional study within a cohort (EarlyBird 21)
☉ 11304223:Insulin resistance and depression: cross sectional study
☉ 11304224:Use and offering of chaperones by general practitioners: postal questionnaire survey in Norfolk
☉ 11304225:近端胃癌根治食管残胃间双“S”法空肠间置术的护理配合
☉ 11304226:Congenital anomaly surveillance in England—ascertainment deficiencies in the national system
☉ 11304227:近端胃癌根治食管残胃间双“S”法空肠间置术的护理配合
☉ 11304228:Use of inhaled corticosteroids during pregnancy and risk of pregnancy induced hypertension: nested case-control study
☉ 11304229:高原多根肋骨骨折合并血气胸的护理体会
☉ 11304230:Delayed hypersensitivity due to epidural block with ropivacaine
☉ 11304231:A multiagency protocol for responding to sudden unexpected death in infancy: descriptive study
☉ 11304232:Radon blues
☉ 11304233:Radon in homes and risk of lung cancer: collaborative analysis of individual data from 13 European case-control studies
☉ 11304234:断指再植术后血液循环观察与护理
☉ 11304235:新生儿黄疸的观察与护理
☉ 11304236:60例腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔出术的护理观察
☉ 11304237:临床心理护理开展的必要性
☉ 11304238:Breast cancer mortality in Copenhagen after introduction of mammography screening: cohort study
☉ 11304239:CMF in operable breast cancer: cohort study
☉ 11304240:老年患者的心理护理
☉ 11304241:How doctors discuss major interventions with high risk patients: an observational study
☉ 11304242:Providing child safety equipment to prevent injuries: randomised controlled trial
☉ 11304243:静脉采血人群的心理反应及护理体会
☉ 11304244:Suicide among Russians in Estonia: database study before and after independence
☉ 11304245:Concealment of drugs in food and beverages in nursing homes: cross sectional study
☉ 11304246:Suicide gap among young adults in Scotland: population study
☉ 11304247:肺结核患者心理分析及护理对策
☉ 11304248:Patient initiated outpatient follow up in rheumatoid arthritis: six year randomised controlled trial
☉ 11304249:Low intelligence test scores in 18 year old men and risk of suicide: cohort study
☉ 11304250:创伤患者心理行为反应特点及对应护理
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