☉ 11384901:循证医学(一) ——概述
☉ 11384902:益气温阳、活血利水法治疗慢性充血性心力衰竭研究进展
☉ 11384903:颈心综合征36例临床分析
☉ 11384904:水银注入静脉1例影像特征
☉ 11384905:甲状腺功能亢进症并发急性冠状动脉综合征1例
☉ 11384906:心肌淀粉样变1例
☉ 11384907:口炎性腹泻综合征1例
☉ 11384908:类风湿性关节炎伴肾损害的临床分析
☉ 11384909:肺心病患者QT离散度及通心络对其影响
☉ 11384910:磺脲类继发性失效的2型糖尿病加用渴乐宁的疗效观察
☉ 11384911:侧脑室穿刺引流及脑脊液置换治疗脑室出血临床观察
☉ 11384912:The future of health care in Africa
☉ 11384913:外科ICU呼吸机相关肺炎的调查研究
☉ 11384914:氯沙坦治疗心功能不全临床观察
☉ 11384915:54例SARS患者LDH、ALT、CRE和尿液变化及其临床意义
☉ 11384916:手部瘢痕挛缩患者术后的康复治疗
☉ 11384917:诺和灵30R、二甲双胍联合治疗继发性失效的2型糖尿病临床观察
☉ 11384918:Poorer countries will not meet health targets, warns WHO
☉ 11384919:Attempts to prevent postnatal depression
☉ 11384920:Drug safety and regulation
☉ 11384921:Do white British children and adolescents get enough sunlight?
☉ 11384922:Stopping Africa's medical brain drain
☉ 11384923:BMA condemns competition and payment by results in NHS
☉ 11384924:Doctors to consider scrubs to reduce infection
☉ 11384925:NHS doctors can work in independent treatment centres, UK health minis
☉ 11384926:UK government consults on primary care
☉ 11384927:Israeli doctors want to stop European patent for genetic test
☉ 11384928:American Medical Association rejects proposal to ban consumer adverts
☉ 11384929:One in three NHS trusts face cash shortfall this financial year
☉ 11384930:Tobacco industry deliberately targets young people in Taiwan
☉ 11384931:Cancer guidelines from NICE aim to reduce variation in referral times
☉ 11384932:Use of antiviral drug in poultry is blamed for drug resistant strains
☉ 11384933:Prioritising neglected diseases related to poverty
☉ 11384934:American Medical Association fights pharmacists who won't dispense con
☉ 11384935:BMA Annual representative meeting, Manchester, 27 - 30 June: UK hospit
☉ 11384936:Complaints handling must improve in UK trusts
☉ 11384937:Developing countries may not get benefits of GM food
☉ 11384938:Campaign to deliver AIDS drugs to 3 million will miss end of year targ
☉ 11384939:Diagnostic value of C reactive protein in infections of the lower resp
☉ 11384940:What's new in the other general journals
☉ 11384941:Risk for schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychosis among patients
☉ 11384942:Fate of biomedical research protocols and publication bias in France:
☉ 11384943:Psychosocial and psychological interventions for prevention of postnat
☉ 11384944:Effect of globalisation on children's mental health
☉ 11384945:The special needs of children and women
☉ 11384946:Management and referral for trigger finger/thumb
☉ 11384947:Regulating herbal medicines in the UK
☉ 11384948:Epilepsy and driving
☉ 11384949:NHS foundation trusts
☉ 11384950:Open letter to Tony Blair on publication of the report of the Commissi

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