☉ 10584901:Interleukin-18 attracts plasmacytoid dendritic cells (DC2s) and promotes Th1 induction by DC2s through IL-18 receptor expression
☉ 10584902:Intravenously applied IgG stimulates complement attenuation in a complement-dependent autoimmune disease at the amplifying C3 convertase level
☉ 10584903:Involvement of BAFF and APRIL in the resistance to apoptosis of B-CLL through an autocrine pathway
☉ 10584904:Lentivector-mediated clonal tracking reveals intrinsic heterogeneity in the human hematopoietic stem cell compartment and culture-induced stem cell im
☉ 10584905:Marked mitochondrial DNA sequence heterogeneity in single CD34+ cell clones from normal adult bone marrow
☉ 10584906:Molecular remission and reversal of myelofibrosis in response to imatinib mesylate treatment in patients with the myeloproliferative variant of hypere
☉ 10584907:Naturally occurring anti–IFN- autoantibody and severe infections with Mycobacterium cheloneae and Burkholderia cocovenenans
☉ 10584908:New insights into the knowledge of graft-versus-myeloma
☉ 10584909:Highly efficient lentiviral-mediated human cytokine transgenesis on the NOD/scid background
☉ 10584910:Not children from a lesser god
☉ 10584911:Novel role of the membrane-bound chemokine fractalkine in platelet activation and adhesion
☉ 10584912:Platelet ADP receptors contribute to the initiation of intravascular coagulation
☉ 10584913:Platelets are necessary for airway wall remodeling in a murine model of chronic allergic inflammation
☉ 10584914:Prognostic significance of bcl-xL gene expression and apoptotic cell counts in follicular lymphoma
☉ 10584915:中西医结合治疗单纯疱疹性角膜炎临床观察
☉ 10584916:Recent insights into the mechanisms of myeloid leukemogenesis in Down syndrome
☉ 10584917:Receptor activation and 2 distinct COOH-terminal motifs control G-CSF receptor distribution and internalization kinetics
☉ 10584918:Reduced intensity allogeneic transplantation: updated results using alternative regimens
☉ 10584919:Reduced-intensity preparative regimen and allogeneic stem cell transplantation for advanced solid tumors
☉ 10584920:Telehematology: critical determinants for successful implementation
☉ 10584921:Telomere length and telomerase activity delineate distinctive replicative features of the B-CLL subgroups defined by immunoglobulin V gene mutations
☉ 10584922:The cycling history of CLL
☉ 10584923:The intronic prothrombin 19911A>G polymorphism influences splicing efficiency and modulates effects of the 20210G>A polymorphism on mRNA amount and ex
☉ 10584924:The mechanisms controlling the recognition of tumor- and virus-infected cells by NKp46
☉ 10584925:Therapeutic activation of V24+V11+ NKT cells in human subjects results in highly coordinated secondary activation of acquired and innate immunity
☉ 10584926:Tracking angiogenesis induced by skin wounding and contact hypersensitivity using a Vegfr2-luciferase transgenic mouse
☉ 10584927:TRAIL regulates normal erythroid maturation through an ERK-dependent pathway
☉ 10584928:Treosulfan and fludarabine: a new toxicity-reduced conditioning regimen for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
☉ 10584929:Ultrastructural study shows morphologic features of apoptosis and para-apoptosis in megakaryocytes from patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purp
☉ 10584930:Unrelated cord blood stem cell transplantation for AML
☉ 10584931:Unrelated cord blood transplantation for adult patients with de novo acute myeloid leukemia
☉ 10584932:VWF73: a substrate for ADAMTS-13
☉ 10584933:VWF73 a region from D1596 to R1668 of von Willebrand factor, provides a minimal substrate for ADAMTS-13
☉ 10584934:VWRPY motif–dependent and –independent roles of AML1/Runx1 transcription factor in murine hematopoietic development
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☉ 10584938:平衡计分卡顾客满意度在医疗服务中的应用研究
☉ 10584939:市场经济形势下建立医疗集团初步探讨
☉ 10584940:成本控制是医院经营的有效途径
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☉ 10584943:审计在参与医院工程招投标过程中所起的作用
☉ 10584944:医疗卫生机构内部控制制度建设之我见
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☉ 10584946:以人为本 强化医院后勤管理
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☉ 10584948:加强医院文化内涵建设的思考
☉ 10584949:浅论新时期医院形象的塑造
☉ 10584950:浅谈医院形象策略与理念
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